csb.co.in Online Registration for VISA Cards : Catholic Syrian Bank

Organisation : Catholic Syrian Bank
Facility : Online Registration for VISA Cards

Register Here : https://csb.co.in/
Website : http://www.csb.co.in/

Online Registration for VISA Cards :

Welcome to Catholic Syrian Bank Secure Online Card registration system.
Verified by Visa (VBV) is an easy to use, secured online payment service from Visa that allows you to securely shop online with your CSB Debit Card.

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** In order to use Verified by Visa, you must provide certain information to us that allows us to validate your identity and verify that you are the owner of or an authorized user of the specified Debit Card(s) .
** The information that you provide may be validated against information we already have on file that is associated with you, your Debit Card(s) .
** If you are unable to provide adequate information for us to validate your identity, we have the right to not allow you to register for Verified by Visa.
** You warrant that the Registration Data is correct and that you have the legal right to use all of the Debit Cards that you register for Verified by Visa.
** If you do not successfully register for Verified by Visa, the merchant may not accept your Visa Debit Card in payment for an e-commerce or other transaction subject to Verified by Visa.
** In order to use Verified by Visa, you must have the ability to access the World Wide Web and must pay any service fees associated with such access.
** In addition, you must have the equipment necessary to make such a connection to the World Wide Web, including a computer and modem or other access device.
** In the event you have a question regarding the Verified by Visa registration process or a transaction using Verified by Visa, you should direct that question to Issuer’s customer service department.

** You represent that you are of sufficient legal age to use Verified by Visa and to create binding legal obligations for any liability you may incur as a result of the use of Verified by Visa.
** Except as otherwise provided by Applicable Law or in our Cardmember Agreement with you, you understand that you are financially responsible for all uses of Verified by Visa by you by you and those authorized by you to use your Registration Data, or other verification information.

** You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Card PIN, Registration Data and other verification information established by you with ur using Registration Data or other verification information supplied to or established by you with Verified by Visa.
** You agree not to transfer or sell your use of, or access to, Verified by Visa to any third party.
** You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your verification information, or any other breach of security.
** You acknowledge and agree that, except as otherwise provided by Applicable Law or in the Cardholder Agreement , we shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this TOS.
** It is our policy not to seek/send information such as personal information, account details and/or information on user id and password of your internet banking facility through email.
** In case you receive any email from an address appearing to be sent by us, advising you of any changes made in your personal information, account details or information on your user id and password of your internet-banking facility, PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND.

** Verified by Visa stores your Registration Data. Your Registration Data will not be shared with online retail merchants or merchants in other transactions for which Verified by Visa is used.
** You acknowledge and agree that Verified by Visa may keep your Registration Data and also may disclose your Registration Data if required to do so by Applicable Law, as defined in Section 8(a)(ix), in the good faith belief that such preservation or disclosure is permitted by Applicable Law, or as reasonably necessary to
(i) comply with legal process or
(ii) enforce this TOS.

Categories: Bank
Tags: csb.co.in

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