hdfcfund.com Subscribe for Net Asset Value NAV Alerts : HDFC Asset Management Company

Organization :HDFC Asset Management Company Ltd
Facility : Subscribe for NAV Alerts

Subscribe for NAV Alerts : https://www.hdfcfund.com/aboutus/why-hdfc-mutual-fund
Home Page : http://www.hdfcfund.com/investorcorner/account-statement

Subscribe for NAV Alerts

1. Click the icon in the Header to Select All the schemes OR click the icon individually against each Scheme to select that respective scheme.

Related : HDFC Asset Management Company Request For Account Statement : www.statusin.in/2113.html

2. After selecting all the schemes you want to subscribe NAV alerts for, click on the Subscribe button at the top, fill in the required details & click on Submit.
3. An OTP will be generated & e-mailed on the email address entered by you. Once received, enter the same OTP in the form & click on Submit
4. The NAV alerts will be activated as soon as the OTP is validated.

NAV & Dividend :
Net Asset Value is the worth, in market terms, for each unit of the fund. It is calculated as the market value of all investments in the fund less liabilities and expenses divided by the outstanding number of units in the fund. Most schemes announce their NAVs on a daily basis.
If the applicable NAV is Rs. 10.00 and the exit/redemption load is 1%, then the Repurchase Price will be Rs. 9.90.

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Instructions to add schemes to Favourites:
1. Click the icon individually against each scheme to mark them as favourites.
2. Marked favourites schemes are automatically added to the “Favourite” slider that is present to the right side of the window.It displays the number of schemes that are added to it.
3. Maximum 8 schemes can be added to the “Favourite” slider.The schemes can be removed from the “Favourite” slider itself or by clicking again on already selected favourite icon against each scheme.

Instructions for Comparing schemes :
1. Click the icon individually against each scheme to add them for comparing.
2. Schemes that are marked for comparing are automatically added to the “Fund Compare” slider that is present to the right side of the window.It displays the number of schemes that are added to it.
3. Maximum 3 schemes can be added to the “Fund Compare” slider.The schemes can be removed from the “Fund Compare” slider itself or by clicking again on already selected compare icon against each scheme.

Bonus Units :
Pursuant to allotment of Bonus Units, the per Unit NAV would fall in proportion to the Bonus Units allotted and as a result the total value of Units held by the Unit holder would remain the same.

Why HDFC Mutual Fund :
** HDFC Mutual Fund is one of the largest mutual funds and well-established fund house in the country with focus on delivering consistent fund performance across categories since the launch of the first scheme(s) in July 2000.
** While our past experience does make us a veteran, but when it comes to investments, we have never believed that the experience is enough.

Our Investment Philosophy :
** The single most important factor that drives HDFC Mutual Fund is its belief to give the investor the chance to profitably invest in the financial market, without constantly worrying about the market swings.
** To realize this belief, HDFC Mutual Fund has set up the infrastructure required to conduct all the fundamental research and back it up with effective analysis.
** Our strong emphasis on managing and controlling portfolio risk avoids chasing the latest “fads” and trends.

We Offer :
** We believe, that, by giving the investor long-term benefits, we have to constantly review the markets for new trends, to identify new growth sectors and share this knowledge with our investors in the form of product offerings.
** We have come up with various products across asset and risk categories to enable investors to invest in line with their investment objectives and risk taking capacity.
** To know more about our products please visit our Products section.
** To find out your current financial health and tips about financial planning, please visit out Calculators section.
** For additional information/ clarification you can email us at cliser@hdfcfund.com.
** If you wish to speak to any of our customer service executives, you can SMS HDFCMF to 56767 or provide us with your contact & query details and we will have someone get in touch with you.

Categories: Bank
Tags: hdfcfund.com
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