lvbank.com Open Account Online : Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd

Organization : Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd
Facility :Open Account Online

Home Page : http://www.lvbank.com/onlineopeningacct.aspx
Apply here : http://www.lvbank.com/OpenAccount/OpenAcc_Form.aspx
Download here :https://www.statusin.in/uploads/2224-AccountOpeningForm_2014.pdf

Online Request for Opening an Account :

Open your accounts with Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd online. All you need is an Internet connection.

Related : Lakshmi Vilas Bank Pay Shopping & Restaurant Bills via Mobile : www.statusin.in/6169.html

To Open the Account Online :
** Submit the request for account opening, by mentioning your contact details and selecting the preferred branch, product type, convenient place and time to meet etc.
** On Submission of the application, you will be provided with a unique reference number to track the status of the application.
** A mail will be sent to you mentioning the list of documents to be submitted for opening the account.
** Our Branch Manager or officer will contact you, for completing the formalities for opening the account.

Track the Status :
Track the status of your application based on the reference number provided to you.

Benefits :
** Enables you to open an account without traveling to our Branch
** Track the status of your request
** Personal contact with the officer/Representative at your convenience.

Help Line No (Toll Free) :
1800 – 425 – 2233

Savings Bank – SB 301 :
LVB Savings Bank is intended to promote the healthy habit of saving and for the steady growth of one’s money in the bank. LVB recognizes that Savings Bank customers are the pulse of all banking activity and that a satisfied customer at the SB counter is the best advertisement to the bank.

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Savings Bank is the landing ground for all deposits and its customers are the opinion leaders. Hence LVB attaches a lot of importance to the efficient functioning of the savings department.

Salient Features :
** Minimum Deposit amount of Rs.500/- with cheque book facility at Rural and Rs.2000/- with cheque book facility at Semi-Urban Branches and Rs.3000/- with cheque book facility at Urban and Metro Branches

** Pass Book facility available
** Standing instructions facility is available on a nominal charge.
** No restrictions on the number or amount of deposits.
** Nomination facility is available.

Eligibility :
** Individuals in their own names.
** Two or more persons, payable to any of them/survivor/survivors.

** Two or more persons, payable to all of them jointly.
** A guardian on behalf of a minor.
** A minor himself/herself if he/she has attained the age of 12 years.

** Clubs, associations (Registered or unregistered). Charitable and religious institutions trusts, local bodies etc., and other bodies of an identical nature.
** Illiterate persons.

About us :
The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Limited (LVB) was founded eight decades ago ( in 1926) by seven people of Karur under the leadership of Shri V.S.N. Ramalinga Chettiar, mainly to cater to the financial needs of varied customer segments.

The bank was incorporated on November 03, 1926 under the Indian Companies Act, 1913 and obtained the certificate to commence business on November 10, 1926, The Bank obtained its license from RBI in June 1958 and in August 1958 it became a Scheduled Commercial Bank.

Contact us :
The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd.
Administrative Office
Salem Main Road, Karur – 639006
Tamil Nadu, INDIA

Categories: Bank
Tags: lvbank.com
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