parivahan.gov.in : Modify Driving License Application

Organisation : Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
Facility : Modify Driving License Application

Website : https://parivahan.gov.in/sarathiservice/sarathiHomePublic.do
LL Edit Request : https://parivahan.gov.in/sarathiservice/lleditrequest.do

Modify Application :

Add Class of Vehicles :
1. Enter Application Number
2. Enter Date of Birth

Related / Similar Service :
Parivahan Know Application Status

Parivahan Renewal Driving Licence

Request for LL Edit :
Please enter the following details,
1. Enter *LL Number (OR)
2. *Enter Application Number

3. *Enter Date of Birth
4. *Apply to State
5. *Enter RTO

FAQs :
1. Procedure for New Vehicle Registration :
The registration procedure includes the vehicle to be inspected physically by Inspecting Authority at Registering Authority Office for its particulars and followed by registration.

The documents required to apply the registration are as follows :
** Form 20 duly filled up.
** Form 21 (Sale certificate) issued by the vehicle dealer
** Attested copy of valid vehicle insurance policy/cover note

** Attested copy of address proof at which vehicle is to be registered.
** Form 34 duly signed by owner and the financer
** Road tax (as applicable)

** Prescribed fee for registration
** Valid Fitness Certificate (if applicable)
** PAN Card or Form 60 & Form 61 (as applicable)

2. Procedure for Change of Address in Registration Certificate :
The following documents are required for change of address in Registration Certificate.
** Form 33
** Original Registration Certificate.

** Attested copy of valid insurance.
** Attested copy of address proof of the registered owner.
** Attested copy of valid pollution under control certificate.
** Attested copy of PAN Card or Form 60 & Form 61(as applicable)

Related Post

** Regarding the change of address in Registration Certificate,where the hypothecation is endorsed in the Registration Certificate, No Objection Certificate from the financer is needed to get the address changed in the Registration Certificate.

Terms of Use :
** The Content on this Portal is meant for sharing information regarding vehicles on the basis of available information on Vehicle National Register.

Using content of this portal for any commercial purpose or any derivative work or misuse of any kind is strictly prohibited and may invite legal consequences.

** The content can be removed from the portal without notice and at any time as per Ministry of Road Transport direction.

** Ministry of Road Transport and Highways /NIC shall not be held responsible for any interactions/passing of information(s) etc. between any user via e-mail, chat and any other mediation with another user.

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways /NIC has no obligation to monitor any such disputes arising between the users and shall not be party to such dispute/litigation etc.

** These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Indian Laws. Any dispute arising under these terms and conditions shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Indian only

About Us :
The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has been facilitating computerization of more than 1000 Road Transport Offices (RTOs) across the country. RTOs issue Registration Certificate (RC) & Driving License (DL) that are valid across the country.

It was necessary to define same standards for these documents on a pan-India level to ensure interoperability and correctness and timely availability of information.

SCOSTA committee setup for this purpose had recommended a uniform standardized software across the country.

Ministry entrusted National Informatics Centre the task to standardize & deploy the software VAHAN for Vehicle Registration and SARATHI for Driving Licenses and compilation of data with respect to Vehicle Registration and Driving Licenses of all the states in State Register and National Register.

Contact Us :
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways,
PMU Transport 2nd Floor
National Informatics Center
A-Block CGO Complex Lodhi Road
New Delhi 110003

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