How to apply for OBC Certificate Himachal Pradesh?

Organization : Government of Himachal Pradesh
Facility : Application for Issue of OBC Certificate

Home Page : http://edistrict.hp.gov.in/

How To Apply For OBC Certificate?

Service Description :
The OBC Certificate is a document certifying the fact that one belongs to the OBC i.e. Other Backward Community. This is an important document for the person belonging to the OBC category.

Related : How to Register Birth & Get Certificate Himachal Pradesh : www.statusin.in/6528.html

OBC Caste Certificate enables the person belonging to avail of the reservation facilities provided by the Government of India to encourage the people belonging to OBC to receive education and certain privileges that are offered by the Government.

Competent Revenue officers to issue certificates :
Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar Mohal shall be the competent authorities to issue OBC certificates within their respective jurisdictions.

Application/Declaration :
The applicant, who wants to obtain OBC certificate, shall apply to the competent authority using the prescribed Forms available on the eServices Portal under Application for Issue of OBC Certificate.

Verification of application/ declaration :
The applicant shall submit the application Form duty filled-in and verified. He shall state true facts in the application.

Eligibility Criteria

** The applicant should be a resident of Himachal Pradesh.
** Belongs to the Backward Class category specified in the OBC list, issued by the Government of Himachal Pradesh.Ref himachal.nic.in/welfare/OBCList.pdf

Supporting documents :
** Patwari report(details of land income)
** Genelogical table(to be attached with patwari report)
** Income report from patwari

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Note :
In case of married it should be report of the caste of father.

Application Fee :
Applicant should pay Rs.7/- as application fee, through payment gateway.

Steps To Apply:

** Open the eServices Portal on the following URL eserviceshp.gov.in
** Login to the Portal with registered user id. Register yourself in case of first time usage.
** Select Revenue Department.
** List of all services under the department will be displayed.
** Select Application for Issue of OBC Certificate, click on the Action link, which will navigate to Action Page.
** The Action Page contains the links to different methods for accessing & submitting the Application : (a) Submit Online, (b) Print Form, (c) Download Form and (d) Upload form
** The Status of submitted application can be tracked using the MyServices link on the Portal.

About eDistrict

Districts are the de facto front-end of government where most Government-to-Consumer or G2C interaction takes place. The eDistrict project was conceptualized to improve this experience and enhance the efficiencies of the various Departments at the district-level to enable seamless service delivery to the citizen.

Front-ends under the scheme, in the form of citizen facilitation centers, are envisoned to be built at District, Tehsil, Sub-division and Block levels. Village level front-ends would be established through Common Services Centres (VLEs) for delivery of services.

FAQ On OBC Certificate

Sure, here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about OBC Certificate:

What is an OBC Certificate?
An OBC Certificate is a document that proves that you belong to the Other Backward Classes (OBC) category. The OBC category is a social group that is considered to be educationally and economically disadvantaged.

What are the benefits of having an OBC Certificate?
There are a number of benefits to having an OBC Certificate.

These include:
** You may be eligible for government jobs and educational institutions reserved for the OBC category.
** You may be eligible for government scholarships and financial assistance.
** You may be eligible for relaxation in the age limit for government jobs and educational institutions.

How long is an OBC Certificate valid?
The validity of an OBC Certificate varies from state to state. However, it is typically valid for a period of five years.

Categories: Himachal Pradesh

View Comments (7)

  • Whether a girl, who is having a status by birth can be denied that status because of subsequent development, i.e because of adoption in an upper class or because of marriage in upper class?


  • I am a bank employee getting annual income above Rs ten lac. I want to make OBC certificate for job of my wife in education dept. I am a permanent resident of Himachal Pradesh. Whether the certificate can be made?

  • As I wanted to make OBC certificate for my wife what are the Documents required as Patwari was asking for Income Certificate for all family members. In my opinion only husbands income certificate should be the requirement.

      • From the Website:

        The applicant, who wants to obtain OBC certificate, shall apply to the competent authority using the prescribed Forms available on the eServices Portal under Application for Issue of OBC Certificate.

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