ldms.rajasthan.gov.in User Registration, Verification of Certificate : Labour Department Management System

Organisation : Labour Department Management System, Department of Labour
Facility : User Registration, Verification of Certificate
Applicable For : Rajasthan
Website : https://ldms.rajasthan.gov.in/
Terms & Conditions : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/24009-Ldms.pdf

1. User Registration :

In case of new user, click on ‘Signup’, and the user registration form opens up.

Related : e-Mitra Rajasthan Get Status, Online Verification : www.statusin.in/25541.html

i. First Name : First Name is the name of the person who wants to register in the system. For e.g. in case of Ramprasad Sharma, first name will be “Ramprasad”. This is a mandatory field. User will not be able to submit the data if he does not fill this field.

ii. Last Name
: Last Name is the surname of the person who wants to register in the system. For e.g. in case of Ramprasad Sharma, last name will be “Sharma”. This is a mandatory field. User will not be able to submit the data if he does not fill this field.

iii. Email ID
: Email ID is the email id of the person who wants to register in the system. This is a mandatory field. User will not be able to submit the data if he does not fill this field. All the communication related to LDMS will be sent to this email id. So, it is important that the email id entered should be correct.

iv. Date of Birth
: Date of Birth is the field where the user needs to select his birthday. On clicking on this field, a calendar opens up as shown below.

The month shall have a drop down. Click on the arrow beside the “Month”. List of all the months opens up. Select the appropriate month of your birthday. Also have a drop down. Click on the arrow beside the “Year”. List of all the years opens up.

User can select the year of this birthday. In the main calendar is the date. Once the month and year is selected, click on the date of your birthday. The birthday selected by you get filled in the field.

i. Mobile no. You done need to pre-fix the country code or 0 before the number. Enter the 10 digit mobile no. in this field.

ii. Phone No. is the field where user fills his/ential contact number. There are two boxes for this field. Fill the STD code in the first box and the landline no. in the next box.

i. User Name : Username means a name that will uniquely identify the user on the Labour Department Management System. Username can be chosen by the user himself.

Username should be such, so that the user can remember it. For e.g., Ramprasad Sharma can select a username like Ramprasads.

After filling in all the details, user needs to click on “SUBMIT”. After entering all the basic details, and clicking on Submit, a onetime password gets generated and gets displayed on the screen.

: The password is also messaged on mobile number mentioned by the registering user. Click on OK and user gets directed back to the login page.

Change One Time Password :
Enter the username and the one time password, select the preferred language and click on ‘Login’. User gets directed to the change password screen. Password is a secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to the system.

Passwords are used also for authentication, validation and verification in electronic commerce. Password can be combination of alphabets, numbers and symbols.

Passwords should be such which is not easy to guess for general public however should be unforgettable for the user creating the password. In the Confirm Password field, enter the same password which you have entered in the Password field.

Hint Question : Hint Question and Answer helps the user to remember the password that he has set. Hint question field has a dropdown list. User can select any of the questions from the list.

Hint Answer : User can fill in the Hint Answer as a answer to the Hint Question. The hint answer shall be of user’s choice. After entering all the details and on clicking on Submit, user will get re-directed to the main login page.

User can now enter the username and the new password, select the preferred language as “English” and click on LOGIN. User can see the next screen as displayed. This is main login screen, once the user logs in the system. On the left hand side, is the list of activities which the user can perform.

1. Registration/Amendment/Renewal
: Whenever user wants to register/make amendments/renew under any Act, he can select the Registration option.

2. Register Complaint : Whenever user wants to register any complaint (general/under Industrial Dispute Act), he can select this option.

3. Claim Filing : Whenever user wants to file a claim under 6 specified Acts, he has to select this option.

4. Standing Order Application : Standing Order is the set of rules and regulations which an establishment prepares within 3 months of its registration. In order to send the standing order to the labour department for necessary approval, user needs to go to this option.

5. Return Filing : Whenever user wants to file a return, he needs to select this option.

6. BoCW Welfare Board : When a beneficiary (One who works as a construction worker), wants to register him/herself in the system, or wants to avail various schemes under the Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Act, he needs to select this option.

7. BoCW Cess Workers : This option is used when user wants to enter details related to the Cess Amount and also register a new construction project.

2. Verification of Certification/License :
To Check the Verify Registration No./ Licence No./ Application Status,
1. Registration No./ Licence No./ Application No.

Categories: Rajasthan
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