Apply ASBA IPO Online : Bank of India

Organization :Bank of India
Facility : Apply ASBA IPO Online

Home Page :http://www.bankofindia.co.in/english/ASBA.aspx
ASBA :https://www.bankofindia.co.in/

Apply ASBA IPO Online :

We have enhanced and added a new on our StarConnect Retail Internet Banking for Application Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA) IPO.

Related : Bank of India Online Payment of Direct Taxex : www.statusin.in/4009.html

It’s online, instant, simple and convenient. It simply requires :
** Internet Banking facility with Transaction facility,
** Demat Account with any of the DPO,
** DP ID and Client ID for Demat with NSDL DPO or Client ID for Demat with CDSL DPO
** PAN Number.

You can use this new feature for :
Applying ASBA IPO online
ASBA IPO, facilitates the “Resident Retail Individual Investor” to subscribe to ASBA IPO up to an amount of Rs.2,00,000/-.

How to use this feature :
For ASBA IPO from Internet Banking
Step1. :
Click on Requests Tab after Login to Internet Banking and select ASBA IPO Request

Related Post

Step2 ASBA IPO Details :
For viewing the IPO’s available

Step3 Bid cum Application :
** Select the IPO from the Dropdown
** Provide the Demat account by selecting NSDL/CSDL as the case may be
** Number of Units
** Provide the PAN Number
** Debit Account (to be selected from Dropdown)
** click on submit and provide User Id and Transaction Password for confirming the BID
** he Cyber Receipt will be displayed
Please note that in case, the Demat Account details and/or PAN number provided in the bid cum application, for ASBA could not be verified by Registrar, the bid shall be liable to be rejected by the Registrar.

Step4. View Status :
The Bid cum Application submitted can be viewed by clicking on View Status

Step5. Withdraw Bid cum Application :
Select the Bid cum Application to be withdrawn by clicking on Withdraw bid cum application.

Some Dos and Don’ts
** Please always destroy the PIN Mailer containing your Password, after memorizing the same.
** Always type bankofindia.com in your browser address bar to log on to our site.
** Do not use common names as your Password, which may be easy for others to guess. Keep your Password complex.
** Please do not divulge/ reveal your Password to anyone, even to a Bank Staff.
** Never disclose your Password/s on emails.
** Do not click on any links embedded in emails received by you from any source (including Bank of India) for logging on to our Star Connect Internet Banking Services.
** Please beware of phishing mails.
We welcome your suggestions/ feedback, for which you may write to us at boi.starconnect AT bankofindia.com or call us on 91-22-40919191.

About Us :
Bank of India was founded on 7th September, 1906 by a group of eminent businessmen from Mumbai. The Bank was under private ownership and control till July 1969 when it was nationalised along with 13 other banks.

Beginning with one office in Mumbai, with a paid-up capital of Rs.50 lakh and 50 employees, the Bank has made a rapid growth over the years and blossomed into a mighty institution with a strong national presence and sizable international operations.

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