handicrafts.nic.in : Dastkar Shashktikaran Yojana

Organisation : Ministry of Textiles
Scheme Name : Dastkar Shashktikaran Yojana
Applicable For : All India
Website : http://handicrafts.nic.in/index.aspx
Terms & Conditions : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/24243-Scheme.pdf

Dastkar Shashktikaran Yojana :

(a) Community empowerment for mobilization of artisans into self-help groups (SHGs)/Societies :

Related : Ministry of Textiles How to Become Member of Export Promotion Council for Handicraft : www.statusin.in/24229.html

Objective and methodology :
Mobilization of the beneficiaries shall be undertaken in the clusters which needs to be taken up for development. The Geographical identity of such clusters should be clearly mentioned and limited to a village in Rural Areas or a ward in the Municipal areas.

In special cases a cluster may contain adjoining villages within a span or diameter of three kilometers. This activity shall include mobilizing the artisans into SHGs, thrift and credit, training of SHGs on various aspects of forming and running the community business enterprise.

With introduction of economic reforms through liberalization, privatization and globalization, India has entered into a new era of economic development and therefore, Community Empowerment programme for handicrafts sector/ cooperative/ SHGs is a must to empower the artisans by making them active entrepreneurscum-primary stake holders of development and bringing them to a visible platform which will help enhance their operational efficiency and competitiveness to face the new challenges and make them viable and self-supporting economic entity.

While undertaking mobilization, care should be taken to leverage upon the SHGs already formed under various programmes being implemented by Government. Only where it is not feasible to do so, new SHGs, federation etc., should be formed.

Deliverables :
** Conduct survey of each artisan in the prescribed format
** Mobilisation of artisans groups/SHG formation with office bearers,

** Holding awareness camps for cluster artisans, discussion and formation of Annual action Plan of the activities,
** Opening of Bank accounts of SHGs.

** Facilitating opening of Bank accounts of Individual artisans under Jan Dhan Yojna,
** Issue of Artisans’ Identity Cards (AIC) to all cluster artisans,

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** Processing of the surveyed data in MS Excel Sheet format containing artisans’ details such as identity card No., Photographs, Aadhar no., EPIC No., bank Account No. with bank name.

** Covering each artisan under RSBY and AABY Scheme,
** Appointment of cluster Manager as per qualification and experience,

** Formation and registration of Producer Company/ Federation/Institutions with at least 50% of the Cluster artisans as members/ shareholders

Financial assistance and funding pattern :
** Financial Assistance will be provided to the tune of INR 300/- per artisan for the number of persons to be surveyed and mobilized for empowerment in the form of grant in aid.

** Financial assistance will be provided for a maximum of Rs 1 lakh per year for a maximum of three years for formation of Producer Company/ Federation/Institution.

** 100% of the amount shall be released after registration as advance for the first year to the organization for formation and registration of Producer Company/ Federation/Institutions.

From the second year onwards the organization will be provided 75% of their annual recurring expenditure in advance subject to a maximum of Rs 1 lakh, which will be reduced to 50% for the third year subject to a maximum of Rs 1 lakh.

The grants will be released subject to the suitable conditions fulfilled by the organizations. The amount will be provided directly to the account of the organization.

** In so far as possible existing SHGs formed under different schemes of Government of India and State Government should be leveraged. In short formation of new SHGs should be done only where no SHGs exist

Categories: Scheme

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    • My name is subrata Mondal I was applied Artison card but Some mistakes of my name want to correction due to application from shows name of Applicant is Mondal but original Applicant name subrata Mondal so I am unable to edit this and not seen my application status of processing application no.ACK29462-2611

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