mfms.nic.in Lodge Grievance & Check Status : Mobile Fertilizer Management System

Organisation : Mobile Fertilizer Management System
Facility : Lodge Grievance & Check Status
Applicable For : All India
Website : https://dbtfert.nic.in/login.html

Lodge Grievance :

1. Select Complaint Source – Written or Online or Helpline or Media

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Complainant Details :
2. Enter Name*
3. Enter Address
4. Select State*

5. Select District*
6. Select Sub District
7. Select Village

8. Enter Telephone No.
9. Enter Mobile
10. Enter Email Address

Complaint Details :
11. Select State*
12. Select District*
13. Select Complaint Against*

14. Select Complaint Against(Select Name)*
15. Select Complaint Category*
16. Select Complaint Sub Category*

17. Select Complaint Subject*
18. Enter Complaint*
19. Is Complaint with Documentary Proof – Yes or NO

Check Status :
To Check the complaint status you have to enter the Complaint Id and click on the Check Status button.

About Us :
Department of Fertilizers comes under the ambit of Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers which is headed by a Cabinet Minister who is assisted by one Minister of State.

The main objective of Department of Fertilizers is to ensure adequate and timely availability of fertilizers at affordable prices for maximizing agricultural production in the country.

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The main functions of the Department of Fertilizers include planning, promotion and development of the Fertilizers Industry, Planning and monitoring of production, import and distribution of fertilizers and management of financial assistance by way of subsidy/concession for indigenous and imported fertilizers.

FAQs :
1. What is a fertilizer ?
A fertilizer is a chemical product either mined or manufactured material containing one or more essential plant nutrients that are immediately or potentially available in sufficiently good amounts.

2. What is the Retention Price Scheme?
The Retention Price Scheme (RPS) for fertilizer Industry introduced from 1.11.1977 and remained in force till 31.3.2003. Under the RPS Retention Price was fixed for each unit by the Govt.

The difference between the Retention Price of Urea and the maximum retail price of urea was paid as subsidy.

3. Whether Government gives subsidy on freight?
The Union Government subsidies the urea manufacturing units for the cost of transportation to facilitate the availability of urea at the same maximum retail price all over the country.

4. How can I select right combination and doses of fertilizer for any crop?
Please contact your Area/Block Agriculture Officer.

5. What is meant by the term “balanced fertilization”?
The requirement of nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potash are soil and crop specific. The use of right ratio of nutrients as per soil or crop requirement is known as “balanced fertilization”.

6. Are chemical fertilizers harmful for crops, if used in. excess quantity or in wrong combination of nutrients?
Are chemical fertilizers harmful for crops, if used in. excess quantity or in wrong combination of nutrients?

7. How chemical fertilizers are different from bio-fertilizers?
Chemical fertilizers are manufactured artificially. They are primarily, chemicals having nitrogen, phosphate and potash as main soil nutrients.

Bio-fertilizers are plants such as bacteria (azotobacter, rhizobium etc.), fungi etc. that fix free nitrogen from the atmosphere, which is then ‘used by the crops.

8. Is there any expiry date of fertilizers?
There is no expiry date of chemical fertilizers. However, in case of imported Fertilizers, the container (bag) has. indication regarding month and year of Manufacture/import.

Categories: National
Tags: mfms.nic.in
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