awaassoft.nic.in : Rural Housing FTO Tracking System

Organisation : Ministry of Rural Development
Facility : Rural Housing FTO Tracking System
Applicable For : Rural Area
Website : http://awaassoft.nic.in/netiay/fto_transaction_details.aspx

Rural Housing FTO Tracking System :

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1. FTO Number OR

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4. Click on the Submit button

About Us :
Housing is one of the basic requirement for human survival. For a shelterless person, possession of a house brings about a profound change in his existence, endowing him with an identity, thus integrating him with his immediate social milieu.

With a view to meeting the housing needs of the rural poor, Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) was launched in May 1985 as a sub-scheme of Jawahar Rozgar Yojana. It is being implemented as an independent scheme since 1 January 1996.

The Indira Awaas Yojana aims at helping rural people below the poverty-line (BPL) belonging to SCs/STs, freed bonded labourers and non-SC/ST categories in construction of dwelling units and upgradation of existing unserviceable kutcha houses by providing assistance in the form of full grant.

FAQs :
1. What is the aim of the Indira Awass Yojana (IAY)?
Aim of Indira Awaas Yojana is to provide financial assistance to the rural houseless poor families and those living in dilapidated and kutcha houses living Below the Poverty Line (BPL) for construction of house and also to provide house sites to the landless poor as well.

2. Who are eligible to get assistance under IAY?
BPL rural households of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, non-Scheduled Caste and non- Scheduled Tribes. Priority should be given to families of manual scavengers, including those rehabilitated and rehabilitated bonded laborers.

Thereafter the priority to be adhered to is as follows :
i. Women in difficult circumstances, including widows, those divorced or deserted, women victims of atrocities and those whose husbands are missing for at least three years, and, women headed families.

ii. Mentally challenged persons (with at least 40% disability)
iii. Physically challenged persons (with at least 40% disability)
iv. Transgender persons

v. Widows and next-of-kin of members of defence/paramilitary /police forces killed in action (even if not BPL)
vi. Other houseless BPL families

3. Who will provide the assistance?
Funding of IAY is shared between the Centre & State Government in the ratio of 75:25 and for North Eastern States this ratio is 90:10.

In the case of UTs., entire funds of IAY is provided by the Centre. The cost of providing house sites would be shared 50:50 between Government of India and State Governments.

4. How much of financial assistance is given?
The financial assistance provided under IAY is as under
(i) Financial assistance for construction of a new house is Rs.70,000/- in plain areas and Rs.75,000/- in hilly/difficult/IAP areas.

(ii) Financial assistance for upgradation of Kutcha or dilapidated house is Rs.15,000/-.
(iii) Financial assistance for acquiring house site is Rs.20,000/-

5. Is there any provision under IAY to meet the expenses of uploading photographs of IAY houses, training of masons etc.?
Yes, upto 4% of the funds released under IAY can be utilized for administering the scheme.

Uploading of photographs and training of masons are some of the eligible items of expenditure under administrative expenses.

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