Indane Online Register For New Gas Connection : IndianOil Corporation Ltd

Organization : IndianOil Corporation Ltd
Facility : Register For New Gas Connection

Home Page :http://indane.co.in/new_connection.php
KYC Form Download here :https://www.statusin.in/uploads/2440-KYC-version-3.pdf

Register For New Gas Connection :

Kindly fill the form below to register for a new connection online . This service is offered by limited distributors. You can avail this service only if your distributor appears in the dropdown. For any further information kindly contact Area Office for more details.

Related : IndianOil Corporation Check DBTL/ Aadhaar Linking Status With Bank : www.statusin.in/2840.html

Find your nearest Distributor :
** Select State*
** Select District*
** Select Distributor*
** Finaly click Proceed Button

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Note :
In case your nearest distributor is not appearing in dropdown then that distributor is not offering online facility for registration. Kindly visit distributor serving your area appearing under Our Network link to register for a new connection.

Checklist for new connection registration :
(Before Registration in web please ensure the following)
** Valid Email ID.
** Valid Telephone Number.
** Valid Identification of nearest distributor*.
** Your household do not posses any LPG/PNG connection

At the time of availing connection the following documents shall be provided :
** KYC Form –
** Valid Photo ID.
** Ration Card or Valid residence proof ID.
** Affidavit in the format that your household do not have any LPG/PNG connection.

Note :
In case your locality/ residence does not fall in the area of operation of the distributor selected by you then the distributor may not be in a position to serve you
(For further information contact Distributor/Area Office)

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