Franchise Scheme : India Post

Organization : India Post
Facility : Franchise Scheme

Home Page : https://www.indiapost.gov.in/VAS/Pages/IndiaPosthome.aspx
Download here :https://www.statusin.in/uploads/2498-40-28-2010-Plg_17-09-2012_Franchisee_Scheme.pdf

Franchise Scheme :

India Post entrusted with the Universal Service Obligation of increasing access to basic postal facilities throughout the country.

Related : Department of Post Ponmagan Podhuvaippu Nidhi Scheme 2015 Account Opening Procedure Tamil Nadu : www.statusin.in/10103.html

Even though India has the largest postal network in the world, with over 1.55 lakh post offices, including 89% in the rural are, there continues to be a demand for post offices. There is a constant demand from customers to open more post offices especially in newly developing urban agglomerations.
To meet this India post had introduced the franchise scheme through which the counter services are to be franchised, while delivery and transmission will be continued through the Department. The franchisee will provide service across the counter for a minimum defined time schedule with flexibility to work round the clock.

What can be offered by Franchise outlet-
** Sale of stamps and stationery.
** Booking registered articles, speed post articles, money orders.
** Functioning as an agent for Postal Life Insurance (PLI) and provide related after sales service, including collection of premia.
** Retail services like bill/tax/fine collection/payment services of the Department.
** Facilitating the provision of e-governance and citizen centric services.
** Any other service introduced by the Department in future through its outlets.

How to Become a Franchisee-
Applicants for franchises would need to submit an application in a prescribed proforma. The selected franchisee will sign a Memorandum of Agreement with the Department .

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Criteria for selection have been fixed considering the need to select persons with the capacity to manage and market a range of products, along with a sense of the community needs and public aspects of the job, and willingness to accept technological options.

(i) Individual as well as institutions/organizations/ other entities such as new upcoming urban townships, special economic zones, major highway projects, upcoming new industrial centres, colleges, polytechnics, universities, professional colleges etc. are eligible for taking up the franchise work.

In the case of individual, individual will enter into agreement and in the case of institution/organization/ other entity, Head of the institution/ organization/entity will enter into agreement.

(ii) The members of family of serving postal employees are not eligible for taking up franchise scheme in the same Division in which postal employees are working.

Members of family for this purpose would include the following :
(a) The spouse, but not including a separated spouse or one living separately while judicial separation proceedings are on;
(b) Children and stepchildren but not including children and stepchildren of whose custody the serving postal employee has been deprived by law;

(c) Other persons such as wards who are dependent on and normally live with the serving postal employee.
(iii) Age : Above 18 years. No upper age limit.

Basic features of the urban franchise model :
** Only counter services are to be franchised, while delivery and transmission will continue to be through the Department. Linking arrangements for the franchised outlets will be provided by the franchises.
** The franchise will provide service across the counter for a minimum defined time schedule with flexibility to work round the clock

Categories: Scheme
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