cmda.tnic.in Online Payment for Planning Permission : Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority

Organisation : Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority
Facility : Online Payment for Planning Permission
Applicable For : Chennai
Website : http://www.cmdachennai.gov.in/index.html
Pay Here : http://cmda.tnic.in/online_payment/Registion_form_cmda.aspx

How To Pay CMDA Planning Permission Online?

Please enter the following details,
Provide Applicant Details :
1. Enter Applicant Name *

Related / Similar Facility : TNSTA RTO Finder

2. Enter Mobile No*
3. Enter Email address*
4. Enter Site address*

5. Choose a local bodies zone details
6. Did your DC/File/letter already generated? Yes or No
7. Did you make any previous payments against this file? Yes or No

8. Enter your file Charges details* :
1. Development Charges
2. Regularization Charges
3. Layout / Scrutiny Charges
4. Open Space Reservation Charges
5. Infrastructure & Amenities Charges

6. Security Deposit for Building
7. Security Deposit for Display Board
8. Security Deposit for Septic Tank /STP (for unsewered area)
9. Premium FSI Charges
10. Caution deposit for IT Developments
11. RTI charges
12. DE sealing


Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On CMDA

1. What is CMDA?
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority is a statutory organization of the Tamil Nadu Government. Its responsibility is among other, to regulate all physical developments within Chennai Metropolitan Area on planned lines.

For this purpose CMDA has prepared a Master Plan which designates the land use permissible in every part of the Chennai Metropolitan Area.

2. What is Development?
Development, as per the Town and Country Planning Act, 1971, means carrying out of any building, engineering, or other such operations on, over or under land and includes making any change in the use of Control Rules forming part of the Master Plan.

3. What is Planning Permission?
Before you undertake any development you have to obtain Planning Permission from the CMDA, which is must under the Town & Country Planning Act.

The permission is valid for 3 years from the date of issue. Planning Permission once issued can be renewed for another period of 3 years by an application within the validity period of issued Planning Permission.

4. How do you obtain Planning Permission?
Two categories of applications have been prescribed –Form-‘A’ for laying out of lands for building purposes and Form-‘B’ for all other development.

You can get anapplication form paying the appropriate amount from the offices of Chennai CityMunicipal Corporation, or the Municipality Township or Panchayat Union. These forms are not on sale inthe CMDA office since applications are to be filed directly with theCorporation or local body.

5. With whom should you file the application?
With the Chennai City Municipal Corporation / Municipality / Town Panchayat / Panchayat Union, as the case may be.

6. On what basis is Planning Permission issued?
Your application will be scrutinized with reference to the land use for which site has been designed under the Master Plan or the Detailed Development Plan read with the Development Control Rule corresponding to that particular use.

If the application satisfies theDevelopment Control Rules, Planning Permission will be issued, and if not,Planning Permission will be refused by the Local Authority. Only in major cases the applications may haveto be referred to the CMDA by he local Authority, for its scrutiny.

Tags: cmda.tnic.in
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