CMCC Kerala : Send Complaint to CM Online

Organization : Chief Ministers Public Grievance Redressal Cell Call Center Government of Kerala
Facility :Register New Complaint
Home Page : https://cmo.kerala.gov.in/

CMCC Kerala Complaint To CM Online

Citizens can lodge their grievances related to any department in Government of Kerala through this portal. The grievance would be forwarded to the concerned authorities for needful action.

Related / Similar Service : lsgelection.kerala.gov.in

Chief Minister’s Public Grievance Redressal Cell-Call Center is a physical place, which works 24X7, where anybody can make telephone calls and can give their complaints to Chief Minister’s Call Center.

Toll Free Number – 1076

Register New Complaint :
** Enter Petitioner Details
** Enter Name .Age
** Select Gender
** Enter Address,District*
** Enter LSG Type,Local Body,Taluk
** Enter State*
** Enter Ration Card Number ,Election ID Card,Land Phone Number ,Mobile Phone Number
** Enter PP Name,Email Address

Old Complaint Details :
Have Old Complaints
** Enter Complaint Details*
Please enter the text from the image shown below *
** Finally click submit

Search :
** Public can enter the Online Complaint Monitoring System through the url cmcc.kerala.gov.in. On clicking in the Check your grievance status link, public can search the status of their complaint.
** The public can search complaints by giving either Docket No : or Ration Card ID or Electoral ID. Searching with Ration Card ID and Electoral ID is possible only if these details are captured at the time of registration of complaints.

How to submit application :
** Click on “New Application” to submit the new application.
** Click on “Complete Partially Received Application” so that those partial applicants submit their requests fully.

** Click “Application Status” to know the current status of your application.
** The name, e-mail ID and mobile number are mandatory. Applications to upload to the application must be uploaded in a digital file (in pdf format). The file size should not exceed 5 MB.

Beneficiaries :
“All the people of Kerala can file my petitions through this system of complaints”

View :
While searching, the public can view the entire details in their complaint, Department official to which it was forwarded, Reply received on it and the Present status. An option to post the feedback is also given there.

Post Feedback :
** On clicking the post feedback link public will be redirected to a feedback page in which public can enter the remarks. On submitting the page the feedback will go to the section officer of call centre.
** Public can return to main menu on clicking on the home link on the top menu.
** Designed and maintained by OST AT CDIT cdit.org

Note :
Each file represents a life ‘recognizing that employees should be sympathetic to the common man, to be efficient and responsible and governed. Decentralization of Decentralized Planning and attempting to effectively localize local level services and implement the Kerala Ajmerminative Services to promote civil service

Some Important Information From Comments

1. I complained number of times to Kerala government authorities against illegal pig farm named Good Pig farm working Chengannor Thaluk without license since 2007. No action taken, Alapuzha district pollution control board announce award for this illegal pig farm. About 45 houses near this farm. Presently the farm is working.

2. I had applied for financial assistance from Relief Fund for my Major NEURO SURGERY OPERATION IN SREE CHITRA FOR DEEP BRAIN STIMULATION which costs 12 lakhs. Disability and Orhopaedicaly handicapped patient. I am BPL patient applied for financial assistance from cm fund 6 months back. From a reliable source it is known that, G. O IS READY. I want to know the next procedure. Kindly do the needful.


Sure, here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the Chief Minister’s Public Grievance Redressal Cell (CMPGC) in Kerala:

What is the CMPGC?
The CMPGC is a government agency that was established in 1996 to address the grievances of the people of Kerala. The CMPGC is headed by a Director, who is an IAS officer. The CMPGC has a team of officers and staff who are responsible for receiving and processing grievances.

How can I file a grievance with the CMPGC?
There are a few ways to file a grievance with the CMPGC:
** You can visit the CMPGC office in person and submit a written grievance.
** You can call the CMPGC helpline number and register your grievance over the phone.
** You can email your grievance to the CMPGC.

What kind of grievances can I file with the CMPGC?
The CMPGC can address a wide range of grievances, including:
** Delays in government services
** Corruption
** Inefficiency of government officials
** Malpractices by government agencies
** Violation of human rights

What happens after I file a grievance with the CMPGC?
The CMPGC will assign an officer to investigate your grievance. The officer will gather evidence and interview witnesses. Once the investigation is complete, the officer will submit a report to the Director of the CMPGC. The Director will then decide what action to take, if any.

Categories: Kerala

View Comments (14)

  • I was submitted a compliant against illegal pig farm working Chengannor without license since 2007. Presently the farms are still working. No action from government side about this illegal pig farm.
    Old compliant details :
    Docket No : 16549/2013, 19082/2015, 5420/2016, 265/2016, 6310/2016.
    Please take immediate action for closing the illegal pig farm.

  • I HAD APPLIED for financial assistance from Relief Fund for my Major NEURO SURGERY OPERATION IN SREE CHITRA FOR DEEP BRAIN STIMULATION WHICH Costs 12 lakhs. Disability and orhopaedicaly handicapped patient. I AM BPL PATIENT APPLIED FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM CM FUND 6 MONTHS BACK. From a reliable source it is known that G. O IS READY.
    I want to know the next procedure. Kindly do the needful.

  • I was sent number of complaints against illegal pig farm working at Chengannur,Ennakkad, Alapuzha since 2007. No action from Government side. The farm still working.

  • I was complained to the government authorities against an illegal pig farm named good pig farm working Chengannur since 2007 without license. Number of close down orders against this farm. No action, the farm working presently.

  • I complained number of times to Kerala government authorities against illegal pig farm named Good Pig farm working Chengannor Thaluk without license since 2007. No action taken , Alapuzha district pollution control board announce award for this illegal pig farm. About 45 houses near this farm. Presently the farm is working ?

  • I was submitted a compliant against illegal pig farm working chengannor without license since 2007. Presently the farms are still working. No action from government side about this illegal pig farm.
    Old compliant details :
    Docket No : 16549/2013, 19082/2015, 5420/2016, 265/2016, 6310/2016.
    Please take immediate action for closing the illegal pig farm.

  • I was complaint since 2007 against Illegal Pig farm working Budhanoor without license. Docket nos. 16549/2013, 19082/2015, 5420/2016, 265/2016,6310/2016, 6446/2016. No reply and no action.

  • I'm a resident of other state and want to register a grievance. How can I raise if don't have a "ration card"?

  • I was complained number of times to Kerala government authorities against illegal pig farm named Good Pig farm working Chengannor Taluk without license since 2007. No action taken , Alapuzha district pollution control board announced award for this illegal pig farm. About 45 houses near this farm. Presently the farm is working ?

  • I was complained number of times to Kerala government authorities against illegal pig farm named Good Pig farm working Chengannor Thaluk without license since 2007. No action taken , Alapuzha district pollution control board announce award for this illegal pig farm. About 45 houses near this farm. Presently the farm is working ?

  • I was complained number of times to kerala government authorities against illegal pig farm named Good Pig farm working Chengannor Thaluk without license since 2007. No action taken , Alapuzha district pollution control board announce award for this illegal pig farm. About 45 houses near this farm. Presently the farm is working ?

  • ,
    G.Rajasekharan Nair,
    Kochukattil House,
    Gramam, Ennakkadu.p.o,
    Chenganoor, Alapuzhara (dt),


    Chief Minister of Kerala,

    Respected Sir,

    An illegal pig farm(named GOOD PIG FARM) is working near my home since 2007 without License. Due to the dirty foul smell from the farm my family and near by residents are suffering from headache, omitting, fever etc. Water of the well is smelly and colored. The distance from my home and the pig farm is only 65 mtrs., whereas the distance should have been a minimum of 100 meters.. We complained number of times to the government authorities for the same. Kerala Health Ministry, Alapuzha pollution Control Board, Budhanoor Gramapanchayath Secretary were ordered to close down the farm. But the farm still works smoothly.

    The Budhanoor Gramapanchayath was ordered to close down the illegal farm on 02.03.2013. I have not given any consent for working the farm. I am attaching the order of Budhanoor Gramapanchayath for closing down the farm. Please take immediate action for closing down the illegal farm and save the life of the general people.

    At present The kerala State Pollution Control Board Awards to this illegal pig farm. Please inquire this Award against the pig farm. No License from Budhanoor Panchayath since 2008. I am attaching details of Award. I am attaching orders against Illegal pig farm from different Government Authorities.

    Yours faithfully,
    Place: Ennakkad Rajasekharan Nair.G

    • The above mentioned compliant was submitted before 6 six months, no action for this illegal pig farm, no reply.


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