Meghalaya Transport : Transfer of Ownership of Vehicle

Organisation : Transport Department Meghalaya
Facility : Transfer of Ownership

Home Page :http://megtransport.gov.in/default.htm
Download Forms : http://megtransport.gov.in/

Transfer of Ownership

Transfer of ownership of a vehicle can be applied in the concerned DTO office where the vehicle was registered. The documents to be submitted .

Related : Meghalaya Transport Obtain Vehicle Permit : www.statusin.in/6648.html

Transfer of ownership of Vehicle :
** In STA, permit belonging to an individual cannot be transferred to a vehicle belonging to another person. If such a case arise the old permit is terminated. The new vehicle owner will have to apply for fresh permit.

** But in RTA, transfer of permit from one individual to another is allowed. A fees of Rs. 50/- is realised.

Procedure :
** Form No.29 duly filled up
** Form No. 30 duly filled up
** Registration Certificate
** Valid insurance
** Address proof
** NOC from the financer if the vehicle is under HPA
** Form 28 which is the NOC for vehicle coming from other states.
** Transfer Fee is to be duly paid.

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Road Safety :
Important Guidelines To Drivers :
** Obey Police Signal
** Park Your Vehicle in “Parking Areas” Only
** Do Not Stop Your Vehicle in the Middle of the Road

** Never be Under the Influence of Liquor while Driving
** Stop Your Vehicle When Pedestrians are Crossing the Road on Zebra Crossing
** Do Not Overtakes on Blind Corners

** Give Way to Up-Coming Vehicle
** Do Not Overload Your Vehicle With Passengers
** Use Dimmer During Night Travel
** Do Not Carry Goods which are not Legally Permitted

** Always carry Your License and Relevant Papers of the Vehicle
** Check Your Vehicle Condition Before you take it out Every Morning
** Be Polite to Passengers

** Exhibit your fare chat prominently to Passengers
** Keep First Aid Box in Your Vehicle
** Inform Police Immediately of any Motor Accident
** Carry the Injured to Nearest Hospital whenever any Accident Occurs

About Us :
The Transport Department deals with the subject matter relating primarily to Road Transport. The Department administers the Motor Vehicles Taxation Act and Rules made there under. The Department also controls, supervises and regulates the working and functioning of the various bodies under the Department. These bodies are the State Transport Authority and the Regional Transport Authorities. There is also a Corporation under Transport Department namely Meghalaya Transport Corporation which was constituted under the Road Transport Act, 1950. It is a major revenue earning department and has also an important and significant role to play in the matter of rationalisation, development and improvement of Public Surface Transport System.

Need for e-Governance :
Transport Infrastructure is one of the important modes of communication system widely used by people.

Of the three modes of transport available i.e. air, rail and roads, road transport has occupied a special place so far as development is concerned, because it connects people at the grass root level with the main stream of the nation.

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