as1.ori.nic.in : Room Reservation System Odisha

Organization : Government Of Odisha
Facility :Room Reservation System
Applicable State : Odisha

Home Page : http://as1.ori.nic.in/homedept/
System here : http://as1.ori.nic.in/homedept/RRS.aspx

Room Reservation System Odisha

Application for Accommodation :
If the applicant submits application afresh for the reservation of a room in Odisha Niwas/Bhawan, he/ she needs to select this option.

Related / Similar Service :
Electrical Licensing Board Odisha Challan e-Payment

Room Reservation System For Odisha Niwas/Bhawan, New Delhi And Utkal Bhawan, Kolkata

Application for Extension of Accommodation :
This is for the applicant who intends to extend the period of Accommodation.

Application for Cancellation :
This is the option to be selected by the applicant to cancel already offline/ online submitted application.

Reservation Status :
This option is to display the Reservation Office Order (s) regularly.

Suggestions :
This form is to give suggestions( if any).

For office Use Only :
This option is meant for the concerned officials of Home Department.

FAQ On Odisha Initiatives

This button gives the list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.

Govt. Calendar :
On Click , this button gives Calendar of Govt. of Odisha of Current year for reference.

e-Gov Initiatives :
** Bhulekh – ROR Details of all Tahasils of Odisha state over internet.
** online Donation, Lord Jagannath – Donation through CC and Dir. Deb.
** RWSS online MIS – Rural Water Supply and Sanitation, Odisha

** e-Procurement – Online bidding of Tender related to Govt. of Odisha.
** Priasoft – Panchayat Raj Institutions Accounts Monitoring Software.
** Rural Soft – Application for Monitoring of Poverty Alleviation Schemes.

** WEBGIS – Geographical Information System of Odisha.
** Small Savings – Small Savings application SWALPA SANCHAYA.
** Rain fall – Application for Monitoring of Rainfall.

Related Post

** OLA – Odisha Lagislative Assembly.
** e-Abhijoga – e-Abhijoga, State Grievance Redressal portal.
** District Portal – Standardization of District Portal.

Application for Extension of Accommodation :
Please enter the following details to apply for Extension of Accommodation,
1. Select Date of Request for Extension *
2. Enter Applicant’s Name
3. Enter First Name

4. Enter Middle Name
5. Enter Last Name
6. Enter Designation

7. Enter Organisation
8. Enter Address – Please give the same address as given earlier in Application for Accommodation.

9. Enter Email ID
10. Enter Mobile No
11. Enter STD Code
12. Enter Phone No

13. Select Bhawan in which Room has been reserved.
14. Enter Period for which applied earlier
15. Select From Dated
16. Select To Dated

17. Enter Period of Extension Required Now
18. Select From Dated
19. Select To Dated
20. Enter Reservation Office Order No.

21. Enter Date
22. Select Whether applied earlier offline(Yes/No)?
23. If yes, enter date of Application.
24. If No, enter Online Application No and Date

25. Select Is there less than 3 working days between aforesaid Date of Request for Extension and From Date of Extension Period as per ODISHA Govt Calendar(Yes/No)?
26. Select If required Accommodation is not available, instead, can a lower level accommodation be allotted (Yes/No)?

About Us :
National Informatics Centre (NIC) of the Department of Information Technology is providing network backbone and e-Governance support to Central Government, State Governments, UT Administrations, Districts and other Government bodies.

It offers a wide range of ICT services including Nationwide Communication Network for decentralised planning, improvement in Government services and wider transparency of national and local Governments.

NIC assists in implementing Information Technology Projects, in close collaboration with Central and State Governments, in the areas of ;
(a) Centrally sponsored schemes and Central sector schemes
(b) State sector and State sponsored projects
(c) District Administration sponsored projects.

Features of Room Reservation System Odisha

The Room Reservation System (RRS) of Odisha is a web-based application that allows users to reserve rooms in government-owned guest houses across the state.

The system offers a number of features, including:
** Online booking: Users can book rooms online 24/7.
** Room availability: The system displays real-time room availability, so users can see which rooms are available before they book.
** Room types: The system offers a variety of room types to choose from, including single rooms, double rooms, and suites.
** Amenities: The system displays a list of amenities that are available in each room type.
** Rates: The system displays the rates for each room type.
** Payment options: Users can pay for their reservations using a credit card or debit card.
** Confirmation: Users receive a confirmation email after they book a room.

Categories: Odisha

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