nsdcudaan.com Apply for Programs under UDAAN : National Skill Development Corporation

Organization :National Skill Development Corporation
Facility :Apply for Programs under UDAAN

Home Page : http://nsdcudaan.com/
Register here : http://nsdcudaan.com/Candidate/Candidate-registration.aspx

Apply Udaan

Under the Special Industry Initiative of the Prime Minister, the National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC) and Ministry of Home Affairs have been mandated to work with the corporate sector in bringing about a positive change in the employment and skills space of Jammu and Kashmir.

Related : National Skill Development Corporation Certification Scheme : www.statusin.in/2913.html

Candidates who have already undergone or undergoing training for an UDAAN program may not apply.

The Special Industry Initiative, known as “Udaan”, targets the youth of J&K, specifically graduates and postgraduates, who are seeking global and local opportunities. Udaan thereby aims to provide skills to 40 000 youth over a period of 5 years in high growth sectors.Udaan has two objectives :

** To provide exposure to the graduates and post graduates of Jammu and Kashmir to the best of corporate India and
** To provide corporate India with exposure to the rich talent pool available in the state

Udaan Process :
Step 1 :
** Prospective partner corporates submit a proposal to NSDC
** Proposals are evaluated and approved by Proposal Approval committee of Udaan
** Candidates from Jammu and Kashmir register on the website
** Partner corporates identify and select candidates through the website and selection drives

Step 2 :
** Selected candidates are requested to join Udaan partners training centres
** Candidates will undergo rigorous training, ideally between 3 to 6 months, for a defined program
** Travel, boarding and lodging costs will be reimbursed. A stipend will also be provided to the candidate during the training period
** A candidate once joins an Udaan training programme is not permitted to undergo any other Udaan training programs in any other corporate

Step 3
At the end of training, candidates are assessed based on their training for a job position

Udaan is a unique partnership between corporates, NSDC and the youth of Jammu and Kashmir. Corporates will join hands with NSDC on programmes of duration ideally between 3 and 12 months, that will induct graduates and post graduates from Jammu and Kashmir, for skilling and consequently employment or self-employment.

Related Post

Who can apply for programs under UDAAN :
** Only graduates and post graduates resident in the state of Jammu and Kashmir may apply for programs offered under UDAAN.

Procedure :
You will need to register as a candidate first. Upon registering you will be directed to login and complete your personal profile. Once you have created your profile, you can apply for the programs offered by corporates under UDAAN. Candidates with incomplete profiles will not be able to apply for programs offered.

FAQs :
1. How do I apply for the programs offered under UDAAN?
You will need to register as a candidate first. Upon registering you will be directed to login and complete your personal profile. Once you have created your profile, you can apply for the programs offered by corporates under UDAAN. Candidates with incomplete profiles will not be able to apply for programs offered.

2. I have applied for a program what next?
If you have not been shortlisted for the program you have applied for, you will be notified and directed to apply for other programs. At any given time you may apply for 3 programs.

If shortlisted, you will be sent an interview invitation via email. The invitation will contain details of the interview. You are required to either accept or reject the invitation within the time prescribed by the corporate, indicating your preference to attend the interview.

After the prescribed time, the system will register that you have rejected the invitation. Please note that you are only able to accept one interview invitation. Once you’re under the process of selection, you will not be able to apply for other programs.

If you have attended the interview and have been selected, you will be sent an offer email indicating that you have been selected for a program.

You will be directed to either accept or reject the offer within the time prescribed by the corporate. After the prescribed time, the system will register that you have rejected the offer.

If you have not attended the interview and/or not been selected, you will be sent a notification directing you to apply for other programs available.

Categories: National

View Comments (2)

  • Dear Sir,
    This is to inform that JSS Advanced Jewellery Design Technology Centre, Bengaluru submitted the following bills for reimbursement of training cost to the Chairman, KVET, Bengaluru and we not received the payment so far.
    1. FOUNDATION COURSE FOR GEMS AND JEWELLERY- GEM102 Rs 34200.00 submitted on 26.12.20113.
    2.Jewellery CAD design using Rhinoceros GEM 214- Rs 39000.00 submitted on 10.06.2014
    3. FOUNDATION COURSE FOR GEMS AND JEWELLERY- GEM102 Rs 48000.00 submitted on 01.05.2014.
    I have personally met the Asst Director, KVET, Society Bengaluru and I have been informed that funds are not available.

    Kindly expedite the payment at the earliest.
    Thanking you Sir,
    Yours faithfully
    Cheif Executive,
    JSS AJDTC, Bengaluru

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