cg.nic.in Check Land Records Information : Chhattisgarh

Organization : Government Of Chhattisgarh
Facility : Check Land Records Information
Applicable For : Chhattisgarh

Home Page : http://cg.nic.in/cglrc/index.html

Land Records Information :

Land Records information is made accessible to public with a view to making it more accurate.

Related : Contribution for Clean Ganga Fund : www.statusin.in/5228.html

Please give us your feedback regarding any discrepancies found and/or suggestions so that neccesary corrections may be made accordingly.

Note :
Data is available from 10 :30AM to 05:30PM on all working days

Land Records Computerisation in Chhattisgarh :
** The land records computerisation project is implemented at Tehsil level in Chhattisgarh state. The project is named ‘BHUINYA’. There are 18 districts and 150 tehsils in the state. Under this project one server and at least two clients have been installed at each of 98 old Tehsil offices
** The client-server model software developed by NIC Chhattisgarh state unit has been implemented in all the tehsil offices. Any person seeking Khasra, Khatauni may approach concerned Tehsil office to instantaneously get these records through computer. The records are made available at Thehsil office itself on payment of nominal charges fixed by the Government.
** The main modules of the software are Data-Entry, Mutation and Reports. The P-II and B-1 reports can be generated for any individual or for entire village.
** Sample P-II and B-1 reports can be viewed by clicking on the link provided above and selecting Village and Khasra Numbers. Sample data is used for this demonstration of report generation.
** In order to benefit the remote villagers, web enabled report generation facility has been incorporated in the software. This facility keeps the option of remote access open. Access to data on any tehsil server through DIALUP from any authenticated kiosk is possible. Alternatively even faster access can be attained by establishing VSATs or RF-Link connectivity between tehsil offices.
** The aim of this website is to ensure that the data stored in the tehsil servers is correct and reliable by seeking online public feedback. Quick response to any complaints/suggestions regarding data is guaranteed and appropriate action to rectify the data errors will be taken up with the help of Revenue department, Chhattisgarh. Complaints regarding implementation of the project at any Tehsil offices may also be placed here for taking up the matter with senior officers at Secretariat and office of the Commissioner Land Records, Chhattisgarh.

Measurement of measles (P-II) and Khatouni (B-I) :
1. District -> Tahsil -> Revenue Inspectorate -> Select Village Once the village numbers are known, you can proceed by entering the numbers directly.
2. Select measles mode to see details by giving measles number.

3. Otherwise details can be seen on the basis of any part of landlord’s name. For this, it is important to have a Hindi typing tool.
4. Link to download Hindi typing tool is bhuiyan.cg.nic.in/UTFTools.aspx.

5. Depending on the fraction of the name, you can go ahead by selecting the name from the list of names of landlords.
6. On measuring measles option, direct measles number can be given or selection can be made from the measles list.
7. After this, related reports can be seen by selecting (P-II) or (B-I).

Categories: Chhattisgarh
Tags: cg.nic.in
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