finance-jharkhand.gov.in : DDO Level Bill Management System

Organization : Department of Finance
Facility : DDO Level Bill Management System
Applicable State : Jharkhand
Website : https://jhrddo.jharkhand.gov.in/

Finance Jharkhand DDO Level Bill Management

This facility describes about DDO Level Bill Management System. Don’t use this application from Linux platform. IE is required.

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Go to the link of Finance Department Jharkhand official website. Click DDO Level Bill link available in the left bottom of home page.

You will be redirected to new portal of DDO Level Bill Management System.

DDO Website : http://ddojharkhand.gov.in/

Click Primary or secondary link available under DDO Level Bill Entry. Then click your respective constituency.

Step 1 : Enter User Id
Step 2 : Enter Password
Step 3 : Enter Security Code
Step 4 : Select login as clerk or DDO
Step 5 : Click Login Button

Forgot Password :
Click Forgot Password link available in the bottom of login page.

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Step 1 : Enter User Id (DDO Code)
Step 2 : Enter Mobile Number (Mobile Number if alreday registered)
New password will be sent to registered mobile number
Step 3 : Enter Security Code
Step 4 : Select login as clerk or DDO
Step 5 : Click Send Password Button

** On successful Log on three Main options are displayed.
** Data Maintenance
** System Management
** Miscellaneous Report

Prerequisite :
Configure the options mentioned under system management in both the cases of Gazetted or Non-Gazetted Bill.

Finance Jharkhand Process Flow

1. Click on Data Maintenance Menu and then click the option “Bill Entry” to proceed for entry of Bill details.
2. The Allotment status can be seen on selecting the “View Allotment Status” in Data Maintenance option.
3. Once you get the Form for entry of bill details click on “Generate Bill” button to proceed for entry of details.
4. In this level one can fetch the details of previous bills onto the present blank form for generation of salary bill for current month without having to re-enter details.
5. While entering your Bill Head you will be getting a list of Allotment Heads on clicking the “Choose” button.
6. In case the bill is “Salary” click on “Salary Option” to enter the various components and deductions of your bill.
7. The Gross amount and Net amount will be automatically calculated and replaced against the “Gross Amount” and “Net Amount” fields of Bill form.
8. Click on “Save” button to save the data and obtain the control number.

Finance Jharkhand Non-Gazetted Bill Entry

1. In this the control number gets generated first while saving the bill without any entry of employees details.
2. Before saving it prompts for entry of Bill no, Bill period, TAN number and total number of employees connected to this bill.
3. After entry of total number of employees details as saved earlier, one cannot add more number of employees.
4. The total number of employees earlier saved can be modified by modifying the bill using the earlier generated control number.
5. Click Add button on bill summary detail screen for the entry of subsequent employee salary details.
6. Now the outer covering of the bill along with all the schedules can be generated from the bill summary details screen or using the ‘Re-Print; option under ‘Data Maintenance’ option.
7. The fund position on the bill generated can be edited to match the entered allotment at Treasury and the bill register in case it does not matches.
8. Just click at the figure where you want to make changes in allotment details and edit it.
9. It will automatically get saved on changes done.

Control Number

** The Control number is unique for a DDO within the financial year.
** You can modify the bill data after giving the control number as many times as required before sending the bill to Treasury.
** Search option is available for searching bill details using the control number.
** Miscellaneous report options are also available which is self explanatory.
** Mention the generated control number on the BILL and send it to Treasury for further action.
** Once the Treasury Assistant verifies the Bill, modification will not be possible at your end for that bill.

FAQ On DDO Level Bill Management System

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On DDO Level Bill Management System

Q: What is DDO Level Bill Management System?
A: DDO Level Bill Management System is an online system designed to manage bills and payments for government employees in India. It is a web-based platform that facilitates the generation, processing, and tracking of bills related to salary, allowances, and other payments to government employees.

Q: Who can access the DDO Level Bill Management System?
A: The DDO Level Bill Management System can be accessed by Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) who are responsible for the disbursement of salaries and other payments to government employees. The system is designed to streamline the bill generation and payment process and to ensure timely and accurate payments to government employees.

Q: What are the features of the DDO Level Bill Management System?
A: The DDO Level Bill Management System offers a range of features including online bill generation, tracking, and processing, as well as the ability to generate various reports related to employee payments. The system also provides alerts and notifications to DDOs to ensure timely payments and avoid delays.

Categories: Jharkhand

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