Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation : New Assessment/ Property Registration

Organization : Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation Gujarat
Facility : New Assessment/ Property Registration

Home Page : https://ahmedabadcity.gov.in/
Download Forms here : https://ahmedabadcity.gov.in/

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New Property Assessment :
** Property Tax is the major source of income for The Municipal Corporation. All properties falling under the Municipal Corporation limit are liable for the valuation of Tax. Properties are divided into two types, Residential and Non Residential.
** Property can be assessed on accordance of Building Use Permission or initializing the usage of the property from the date which ever falls earlier among above two reasons.
** If owner of the property wants to get his newly created property covered under property tax system, he has to fill up the form for new property creation and submit the same to concerned Zonal Tax Office or any of the city civic centres of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation. All such applications are sent to concerned Ward Inspector / Divisional Superintendent. On taking sight visit ant thorough verification, the Divisional Superintendent recommends such property for the inclusion. Finally The Deputy Assessor and Collector of concerned zone accord the approval for the inclusion of such properties. If property is identified by The Ward Inspector / Divisional Superintendent, the required factor details are collected by the after due verifications. Then after, the proposal is sent to The Deputy Assessor and Collector of concerned zone through Asstt Manager. On accordance of the approval the same is included by the concerned ward inspector for preparing special notice and billing purpose.

Newly erected properties are covered under property tax master data base through any of the following ways :
** Volunteer application from the owner of the property.
** Identified by The Divisional Superintendent or Ward Inspector.
** Identified by the Valuation Team of The Corporation.
** Identified by the Vigilance Squad of The Municipal Corporation.
** Informed by the Estate/TDO Department of The Municipal Corporation.

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