wenrol.uidai.gov.in : Search For Pincode

Organisation : Unique Identification Authority of India
Facility : Search For Pincode
Location : Delhi

Website : https://wenrol.uidai.gov.in/index.php
Report Missing Pincode : https://wenrol.uidai.gov.in/view/pincode/home.php
Feedback & Suggestions : https://wenrol.uidai.gov.in/view/feed/home.php

Search for pincodes in the system :

1. Enter Pincode
2. verify Image
3. Click Find Pincode button

Related : UIDAI Online Pre-Enrolment Application For Aadhaar Numbers : www.statusin.in/3280.html

Report Missing Pincode :
Please report missing pincode, post office or a village/town/city by submitting the form below.
Name *
Email Id *
Mobile *
Category *
Remarks *
Verify Image *
Click Report Missing Pincode button

Frequently Asked Question :
What is Pre-Enrolment? :
Pre-Enrolment is the process of submitting your demographic data to UIDAI before getting yourself enrolled for Aadhaar. This helps by saving your time during enrollment for Aadhaar as the data can be fetched in the enrollment client, thus saving the data entry time.

Related Post

Why should I do Pre-Enrolment? :
Doing pre-enrolment through web not only saves time at the time of enrolment but it helps to ensure that the data is correct as you may not be able to do a thorough review of data entered by enrolment operator at the enrolment center.

Why do I need to visit the enrolment center? :
The enrolment for Aadhaar requires the resident to provide demographic data (name, gender, age and address) and the bio-metric data for Aadhaar generation. The bio-metric data of the resident can only be captured in the presence of the resident and hence a visit to enrolment center is essential.

My Pincode/Village/city is missing and I am unable to enter my address what should I do? :
UIDAI has made its best efforts to have a database of all pin codes/village/cities; however there may be some data which may have been missed. In such cases, please use the link “Report Missing Pin codes” and provide the relevant data. UIDAI has a process of validation of the request through India Post after which the data may be populated in our database. This process is expected to take atleast a period of 3 weeks. Therefore please try pre-enrolment only after the 3 weeks are over after the problem has been reported by you.

Can I visit any enrolment center after this process to provide my bio-metrics? :
In this Pilot phase, the enrolment client can fetch data only through internet and hence you need to visit an enrolment center, where the client is connected to Internet. The list of such centers is available here.

The local language at the enrolment center was different than the one of my choice? :
UIDAI makes best effort to provide the language of choice to the resident during enrollment; however, it is also dependent upon the language chosen by the Registrar. Hence please check the availability of the language with the Registrar before proceeding further with the pre-enrolment.

Categories: Aadhaar

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