Search Gazette For Specific Number & Date : Odisha

Organization : Odisha Government Gazette
Facility : Search Gazette For Specific Number & Date

Home Page : https://odisha.gov.in/
Public Access here : https://odisha.gov.in/
Department Access here : https://odisha.gov.in/

Search Gazette For Specific Number & Date Online :
** Public Access
** Department Access

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Public Access :
Public Access for those who want to see Notification or Gazette. Department access for them who want to enter notification to the site

Orissa Government Press Publishes Gazettes on a Daily and Weekly basis :
** Daily Gazettes are called Extraordinary Gazettes.
** Orissa Gazettes are published on every Friday and are called as Weekly Gazettes.

Do you want to see Gazettes :
** Of a particular department
** Against a specific Notification No/Order No/Resolution No/Press Note
** Of a specific Gazette No.
** Gazette for a specific Date
** Notification for a specific Date
** Gazette for a specific No. and Date
** Notification for a specific Subject

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