parivahan.gov.in General Instructions For Availing Vahan Services : Ministry Of Road Transport & Highways

Organisation : Parivahan Sewa, Ministry Of Road Transport & Highways
Facility : General Instructions for availing Vahan Services
Applicable For : All India
Website : https://vahan.parivahan.gov.in/vahan/vahan/ui/login/login.xhtml

General Instructions for Availing Vahan Services

Prerequisites :
** Valid Vehicle Number , Chassis Number and Mobile Number for OTP
** Valid details about payment modes like Internet banking, Debit/Credit Card etc details for making payments

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Parivahan Know your DL Status

Steps to Avail any Vahan Online Service :
** Enter Valid Vehicle Registration Number and click on Proceed
** Select the Service to be availed by Clicking the respective Service under Online Services Menu
** Enter Chassis Number and Mobile Number.
** Enter the OTP received and Click on Show details.
** Enter further details as per the form displayed.
** Click Submit and then Confirm and Make Payment
** Once Payment Done, Print Receipt.
** Book Appointment (if applicable) to visit RTO for verification process
** Visit to Respective RTO with required documents except for the services Pay your tax, RC Particulars

** Online payment in Vahan Online Services involves Payment Gateway and third-party banks in addition to Vahan application. In case of delayed response by banks or payment gateway, the transaction remains pending. User needs to wait for stipulated waiting period (1-2 hours, which varies from state-to-state) and then use the “Check Pending” option to find the latest status and print the receipt, if already successful.

In Case of :
Payment Failure : Apply Again
Payment Success but Receipt Printing Failed : Wait for 1-2 hrs,
** Then On Home Page Click Status>Check Pending Transaction
** Enter Registration Number and Chassis Number. Click Show details
** Select the respective Transaction and Click Check to Bank and confirm Payment.
** If Transaction failed then apply again

FAQ for Vahan Service :
What is Motor Vehicle Tax and how it is decided?
In India, MotorVehicle tax is imposed by state governments. The motor vehicle tax is calculated on the basis of various factors including engine capacity, seating capacity, unladen weight, laden weight and cost price of vehicle. It is also priced on the type of vehicle used such as trucks, vans, cars, two wheelers etc.

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What are the other tax components?
Other Tax components recovered from vehicle owner are additional MV tax, environment tax, green tax, cess, road safety tax, Municipality Tax etc. These taxes may vary from state to state.

For how much time duration Motor Vehicle tax is paid and when?
Tax depends upon the type of vehicle :
** For Non Transport vehicle-Motor vehicle tax is takenat one time life time(15 years). After 15 years tax can be paid during renewal of registration for 5 years period. In most of the state MV Tax for Non transport vehicle calculated on the sale amount of Vehicle.

** For Transport vehicle owner canpay tax in monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly mode.
** Penalty will be imposed when the tax is paid after expiry of validity period.

Do I need to pay tax when I’m is not using my commercial vehicle on road?
If the Transport vehicle is not on Road / Not in Use, then Vehicle owner can apply for Tax Exemption of non use period through concerned Transport department, process varies from state to state.

Why Motor Vehicle taxis different in different state?
Motor Vehicle tax is imposed by states, each state have their state motor vehicle act, and according to that tax calculation is performed.

What is additional MV tax? Is it implied on all category of vehicle?
Additional MV tax is implied over the MV tax of vehicle when certain parameters limits exceed like unladen weight of vehicle exceed 50000 etc.

Categories: National

View Comments (3)

  • After filling all the detail in Transfer ownership I clicked Proceed then confirmed button which alerts "Application failed" End of the journey. No other information what to do now?

  • I entered registration number and last 5 digits of chasis number and mobile number for OTP and received OTP in the provided space and then I received a message that combination of registration number/chasis number is not valid whereas both these are mandatory fields. How to proceed further?

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