Chandigarh Administration : Link Aadhaar with LPG Agencies

Organisation: Chandigarh Administration
Facility : Link Aadhaar (UID) with LPG Agencies

Link Aadhaar (UID) with LPG Agencies : http://chandigarh.gov.in/lpgUID.htm
Website : https://chandigarh.gov.in/

Link Aadhaar (UID) with LPG Agencies :
The following forms are required for linking Aadhaar with LPG:
** LPG linking form
** Bank linking form

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Steps to Link Aadhaar with LPG :
In order to get the LPG subsidy directly in to their bank accounts, all LPG consumers are advised to immediately do the following
** Get an Aadhaar number at Aadhaar enrollment centers
** Open a bank account with the above Aadhaar number OR get their Aadhaar number linked with their existing bank account by visiting the branch of the bank. They can also fill up a form available with LPG distributors and deposit it in the drop boxes placed at LPG distributors’ premises for this purpose
** Link Aadhaar number to LPG consumer number at LPG distributors
After completing the above three steps, LPG consumers can check whether their Aadhaar number has been linked to LPG consumer number and bank account at following website link:

Further, the details of LPG transparency portals of all three Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) are provided below which could be utilized by the LPG consumers :
** HP Gas
** Bharat Gas
** Indane Gas
Moreover, Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) have also provided the facility on their websites to check whether the Aadhaar number has been attached to LPG consumer number/bank account.
For feedback and for registering a complaint, customers can call on the Toll Free number 18002333555 or visit their websites www.indane.co.in, www.ebharatgas.com and https://www.hindustanpetroleum.com/

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