gic.gujarat.gov.in Check e-Status : Gujarat Information Commission

Organisation : Gujarat Information Commission
Service Name : Check e-Status
Applicable States/ UTs : Gujarat
Website : http://gic.gujarat.gov.in/front-page/51/How-to-Check-the-Application-Status.aspx
Check Here : http://gic.gujarat.gov.in/front-page/eStatus.aspx

How To Check GIC Gujarat Status?

How to Check the Application Status :
This section guides an applicant to know the procedure of getting the status of his/her online RTI application.

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It helps the citizen to know various possible statuses of the application. Please read the details before proceed further.

** Log into Officical Website
** RTI CMM’s home page will be displayed.
** On this screen move your mouse cursor to ’E-Request’ section and click on ’E-Request’.
** E-Request screen will be displayed. Click on ’Check Your Application Status’ link.

** Status checking page will be displayed. Enter your valid Online RTI Application Number which you get after registering your request, to the PIO for obtaining information online.
** Click on ’Show Status’ button.

** There are two options as far the status of application is concerned : Accepted or Not Accepted.
** The details of the Application status are displayed as follows;
i. If it is under the approval of the PIO, it shows; “Your RTI Application is currently waiting for approval from PIO.”

ii. If the RTI Application is already gets accepted by the PIO, it shows; “Your RTI Application is Accepted.
iii. If the application accepted but no progress has been made on your application, it shows; ’Your RTI Application is presently under process.’

iv. If it is cancelled under any ground, it shows; “Your RTI Application is cancelled for the following reason(s).”(The reasons of cancellation are also mentioned here).

v. If the information does not belong to the concerned Public Authority under which the applicant registers his/her RTI Application rather belongs to other Public Authority in such cases, it shows;

“Your RTI Application Transferred to other Public Authorities. (The name of the Public Authority to which the application has been transferred will be displayed)

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vi. If the RTI Application has been accepted, and all the progress has been done within the mentioned periodicity to obtain information from the PIO i.e. within 30 days, it shows;

“Your request for information is successfully closed. Please contact with concerned authority.” It means the information is made available with the concerned Public Authority, the applicant is requested to collect information from that Public Authority.

FAQ On Gujarat Information Commission

1. What is the objective of the Right to Information Act ?
The Right to Information Act (RTI Act) was enacted in the year 2005 to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority.

The RTI Act, 2005 extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. There is a separate Jammu and Kashmir RTI Act, 2009.

2. What does information mean ?
The term information has been defined under section 2 (f) of the RTI Act. It means any material in any form, including records, documents, memos, e-mails, opinions, advices, press releases, circulars, orders, logbooks, contracts, reports, papers, samples, models, data material held in any electronic form and information relating to any private body which can be accessed by a public authority under any law for the time being in force.

3. What particulars are to be given while making an appeal to the First Appellate Authority ?
An appeal to the first Appellate Authority should be accompanied by the following documents :
(a) Copy of the application submitted to the P.I.O. for seeking information;
(b) Copy of the reply received, if any, from the PIO;
(c) Copies of other documents relied upon by the appellant and referred to in his appeal.

4. What particulars are to be given while making a second appeal to the Central/State Information Commission ?
A second appeal made to the Central/State Information Commission should be accompanied by the following documents :
(a) Copy of the application submitted to the P.I.O. for seeking information;
(b) Copy of the reply received, if any, from the PIO;

(c) Copy of the appeal made to the first Appellate Authority;
(d) Copy of the order received, if any, from the first Appellate Authority;
(e) Copies of other documents relied upon by the appellant and referred to in his appeal.

5. Is there any fee for filing 1st Appeal, 2nd Appeal and Complaint.
There is no fee for filing 1st appeal, 2nd appeal and complaint in Gujarat.

Functions of Gujarat Information Commission

The Gujarat Information Commission (GIC) is a statutory body established under the Right to Information Act, 2005. The GIC is responsible for promoting transparency and accountability in the functioning of the government by ensuring that citizens have access to information held by the government.

The GIC has the following functions:
** Receive and consider applications for information: The GIC receives applications from citizens seeking information from the government. The GIC can either provide the information or ask the government to provide the information.
** Hear appeals against decisions of public authorities: The GIC hears appeals against decisions of public authorities refusing to provide information. The GIC can either uphold the decision of the public authority or order the public authority to provide the information.
** Lay down guidelines for the implementation of the Right to Information Act: The GIC lays down guidelines for the implementation of the Right to Information Act. These guidelines are binding on all public authorities.
** Promote awareness about the Right to Information Act: The GIC promotes awareness about the Right to Information Act through various means, such as conducting workshops, seminars, and publishing brochures.

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