pgsindia-ncof.gov.in Registration of New Local Group : Participatory Guarantee System

Organisation : Participatory Guarantee System for India
Service Name : Registration of New Local Group
Applicable States/ UTs : All Over India
Home Page : https://pgsindia-ncof.gov.in/
Details Here : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/36508-Registration.pdf

PGS India Registration of New Local Group

For Registration of New Local Group you have to follow the below steps,

Related : Department of Agriculture Interactive Voice Response System IVRS : www.statusin.in/20437.html

Step 1 – Login

** On PGS-India home page click LOGIN
** Click Local Group
** If your group is already registered then enter user ID and pass word

** If registering as new group for the first time, then click Register as New Group
** Select your state
** Click in Select Regional Council – List of Regional Councils will appear.

** Click on the Regional Council, with whom you want to register your Group (Without selecting State and Regional Council you cannot register)
** Registration form window opens

** Create your unique User ID. Program will tell whether that ID is available or not. If not available then change the ID till it is indicated that “User ID Available” Note the user ID

** Select your password. It should be preferably of minimum 6 characters. Confirm password by re-entering the same password. Note down the pass word

** Enter Group details – Name of Group, Group leader Name and Mobile No is mandatory.

** Enter the address of your Group. Select District, select Block and then enter address details in box such as house No, plot no, street, Colony and City. Click Submit

** A prompt window will come asking “Are You sure that details provided are correct? No change will be possible once submitted.
** If you are sure that details are correct then click OK
** To go back for correction click Cancel
** Do editing and click submit

Window will open as follows :
Your LoginId and Password has been successfully Created. Click login to Procced for Data Entry
Group Leader Name – ADCDFER
Group Login Details :
Group LoginId – xxxxxxxxx
Password – yyyyyyyyy

** Please Write down Your Login Id and Password for later login
** If you want to print this click Print
** If you want to proceed further for filling details of your members, then click LOGIN
** Login Window will re-appear

Step 2 – Enter User ID & Password

** You will reach your Home Page showing
** Welcome to the PGS-India Local Group XXXXXXXXX

** For filling individual farmer member details click “ADD FARMER” A Farmer application form will open
** Fill details as per the instructions. Field marked with asterisk (*) are mandatory and need to be filled compulsorily.

** In Famil member name you can add as many members you want by clicking on “Add More family Members”
** For selection of Irrigation facilities and Machines and tools multiple selection can be made by pressing Citrl button and clicking on items

** In livestock column select animal and add their number in field against each
** Similarly keep on filling all the fields

** At the end there is a field for uploading Farm map. For this please draw a map on separate paper with all landmarks and locations. Scan it and store in the computer as JPG file.

** This map file can be uploaded here.
** Click “CONTINUE”

** OK (if every thing is OK, else click cancel, edit and then again click continue)
** Another window opens
** Fill details on Soil testing and water testing done

Related Post

** Soil Testing Yes No. If yes then either up load scanned copy of report or else fill report by clicking on “Fill Report”
** Similarly fill for water testing

** Click Submit OK
** New Window opens for “Farm History Sheet”
** There are three season forms for Summer, Rabi Kharif

** First Summer season farm opens
** Select the year (Please remember that details are to be provided for last three years. This means if you are registering in 2013 then fill for 2010,2011 and 2012).

** Fill details as per instructions

** New form for Rabi season opens
** Fill details
** Click Submit (or skip if no crop taken)
** New form for Kharif season opens

** Fill details
** Click Submit (or skip if no crop taken) (Please remember that at least one season details are to be provided compulsorily for each year)

Following Window will open :
Your xxxx Year Season Detail Successful Submit
If You want to add more Season Detail

** Click Add More Year
** Similarly fill the three season forms for second year Submit

** Again Click ADD MORE YEAR
** Again fill the three season details for third year Submit
** Once three year details are submitted for different seasons Submit

A new window open :
Group Member Detail Successful Submit
If you want to add more group member Click ADD MORE GROUP MEMBER BUTTON
Add More Group Member Preview and Print Next

** Click “Add More Group Member
** Fill another member details till you come to last window as above
** Fill details of all members of group (A group must have minimum 5 members)

** Once details of all the group members are filled (minimum 5)
** At the end you can view the details of each member by clicking on Preview and Print.

** Take a print out and get it signature by the member. Such hard copies need to be maintained by the Local Group in a file. The print out will be in three formats.

First format will be application form, second format will be farm History Sheet and third format will be farmers Pledge. All these pages are to be signed by the concerned member.

** Click Next
** List of all group members are visible
** Select the ones which you wanted to nominate as members of Certification Team. Minimum 4 members need to be selected

** Selection can be done by continuous pressing of Ctrl key and click on each member one by one
** Once done Click Submit

Step 3 – Endorsement of Local Group

** Endorsement need to be obtained in hard copy first. Get endorsement from authorized authorities duly signed. Once done then fill details in this form from that hard copy.

** Click Submit
** Print all the four forms and get them signed for submission to RC in hard copies
** Then Click “Proceed”

** Acknowledgement Receipt comes on Screen
** Click Print
** You will get the receipt of submission
** Your Registration Process is Complete
** Click LOGOUT

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