megvat.nic.in Online Filing of E-Return Meghalaya : Taxation Department

Organization : Taxation Department Meghalaya
Facility : Online Filing of E-Return

Home Page : http://megvat.gov.in/
e-Return here :https://meghalayaonline.gov.in/eVatReturn/

e-Returns :
Pre-Requisite :
** The user must be a Registered user of the Taxation department, Govt. of Meghalaya and should possess a valid TIN registration No . issued by the Taxation Department and generated by the computerised system.
** All the reports are printed in pdf format, so it is necessary to have Acrobat Reader installed in the client’s PC.

The following are the steps by steps instructions that the user need to follow to use the application. :
Steps to create a new user :
Step1 : Open /

Step 2 :
Select on ‘Dealer’ Category

Step 3 :
Click on New User link as shown a new page will open where the dealer wlillhave to furnish certain mandatory information.

Step 4 :
Enter valid TIN no and CST number issued by the Taxation department. Enter preffered user name and password.The password should be 8-char long andcontain at least one capital letter (A-Z), one -Special Char ( AT ,!,#,$ ETC), and one Number (0-9) .Select DOB from the pop-up calender Enter the security code display in the screen

Step 5 :
A confirmation page will displayed if the values entered in above Text boxes are correct. If everything has been entered correctly the system will prompt a messagethat the User Account has been createdsuccessfully.

Step 6 :
Click on Home to Login with account created.

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Steps to file an e-Return
Step 1 :
Enter TIN, username and password created earlier and clicks on Login button

Step 2 :
On successful login, following page will open. The page shows the details of the dealer (Name, Trade Name, Address etc) logged in. Below these details, the user has to select the period he/she wants to file the return.

Step 3 :
On clicking sl. no 4-10 – the text boxes ‘purchases in the quarter’ will be displayed on the page and the user will have to enter the values excluding VAT. The system will then calculate the VAT claimed automatically. It will also calculate the total amount of Input tax.

Step 4 :
When all the values is being entered, the user will then click on sl no 11-19 link – the text boxes ‘sales in the quarter’ will be displayed on the page and the user will have to enter the value excluding VAT. The system will then calculate the VAT claimed automatically and will also calculate the total amount of output tax.

Step 5
When all the values are entered, the user will then click on sl no 20-22 link and the tax calculation will be displayed on the screen.

Step 6 :
The user can enter the values whereever required by him /her eg Sales cancelled/ return of Sold goods etc. The System will calculate the Total adjustment and Total Output tax.

Step 7 :
On clicking 23-25 the second part of the tax calculation is displayed and the user can enter the values wherever required by him/her and the calculation like Total Tax Credit and total Net Input tax Credit is being calculated by the system itself.

Step8 :
The user will then click on sl no 26-35 which will display the last part of the tax calculation.

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