pgsindia-ncof.gov.in Certification Process by Regional Council : Participatory Guarantee System

Organisation : Participatory Guarantee System for India
Service Name : Certification Process by Regional Council
Applicable States/ UTs : All Over India
Home Page : https://pgsindia-ncof.gov.in/
Details Here : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/36514-PGS.pdf

PGS India Certification Process by Regional Council

For Certification Process by Regional Council you have to follow these below steps,

Related : Participatory Guarantee System Registration of New Local Group : www.statusin.in/36508.html

Step 1

i. Receive registration applications (on-line or off-line or in hard copy) of Local Groups (LG). Check details of individual farmer history. Check for other group recommendation or endorsement by Central/State Govt authorities.

ii. Finalize working modalities and if required enter into some sort of agreement including payment of fee for services provided. If data uploading work is to be done by RC then finalize necessary modalities for the same.

iii. Ensure that LG has brought their entire holdings under organic. In cases of gradual conversion verify the facts and on being satisfied, grant necessary approval with time frame.

iv. On being found adequate and finalization of working modalities/ agreement etc grant registration.
v. If data and application have been provided on-line then approve registration online and provide user ID and password on PGS website.

vi. If application is in hard copy or off-line then upload the information on website and grant registration with user ID and password.
vii. Provide copy of PGS standards and LG operational manual guidelines.

Step 2

viii. Time to time organize training programmes and if possible participate in some of the group meetings or key field trainings of group.
ix. Encourage and build the capacity of the group for on-line data management (may be through internet café)

Related Post

x. If required undertake random surveillance on some groups for assessment of standards implementation and capacity of the Local Group
xi. Receipt and redressal of complaints against the LGs and their functioning

Step 3

xii. On receipt of entire data set and Local Group Summary Sheet, screen the details and on being found compliant to PGS standards and norms approve grant of certification. Approval is to be issued on-line for printing of certificate at Local Group‟s end.

xiii. RC needs to endorse the certification decision of the LG, if requirements have been met and there are no complaints, adverse residue testing report or adverse surveillance report etc.

xiv. In case of Non-approval, reasons must be communicated in writing with justification.

xv. The RC needs to decide on certification request within 15 days from the date of uploading the LG-summary sheet or submitting the hard copy of the group decision to RC.

If RC fails to endorse the decision of the LG or otherwise within 15 days then ZC need to intervene and decide the issue within next 7 days. In case if ZC also fails to intervene and decide in time then the group can approach PGS Secretariat for decision.

xvi. In case if the group has no access to internet and computer The Regional Council enters summary information for every local group into a PGS website database and sends a paper certificate certifying the individual farm.

Each farmer‟s certificate has an individual unique identification code (UID) that includes codes for both the Local Group and the Regional Council.

xvii. All issued certificates bear unique ID (UID) code for traceability and access to the entire information on production system, peer appraisal and decision system of the group.

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