finance-jharkhand.gov.in eGRAS Registration : Department of Finance

Organisation : Department of Finance
Service Name : eGRAS Registration Goverment Receipts Accounting System
Applicable States/ UTs : Jharkhand
Home Page : https://finance.jharkhand.gov.in/
Register Here : https://finance.jharkhand.gov.in/jegras/#!
Details Here : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/36731-JeGras.pdf

Finance Jharkhand eGRAS Registration

Je-GRAS is an online Government Receipts Accounting System. The departments which generate revenue for the Government are associated with Je-GRAS.

Related : Department of Finance Online Payslip For Class II Officers Jharkhand : www.statusin.in/3188.html

To participate in Je-GRAS, one has to click on new user creation and requires filling up their credentials. Once the login ID is generated then one is authorized to use Je-GRAS for all types of challan submission.

User Login

There are two types of login options in Home Page :
a) Non Registered User or Guest login
b) Registered User login

The home page displays the links for both types of user login. Users who want to register can use the ‘New User? Sign Up’ link to register. Click on the DASHBOARD to view the Je-GRAS transaction details status for entire state.

New User? Sign Up

Users who want to register themselves into the Je-GRAS can use the ‘New User? Sign Up’ or OPERATION>NEW USER REGISTRATION link to fill in the required details for registration.

** Login Id/E-mail Id Details – Enter a valid E-mail ID which will be the User ID for logging into the Je-GRAS system.
** User Type – Select user type. It can be either Individual or Organization.

** Full Name/ Company Name – Enter the full user name or organization name.
** DOB/DOI – Enter Date of Birth (DOB) for individual user type and Date Of Incorporation (DOI) for organization.

** Aadhar No – Enter Aadhar / UID number
** Gender – Select Gender (Male / Female / Transgender)
** Address of Communication – Enter a valid address of communication which will be used to further communicate with the user.

** Country – Select the residing Country.
** State – Select the residing state.
** City – Enter the residing city name.

Related Post

** Mobile No – Enter a valid mobile number. This number will be used to send the first login OTP.
** PIN Code – Enter the valid PIN code of the area where the user is residing.

** ID Type – Select the ID type for user validation and identification (Aadhaar Card / BPL ID / Beneficiary ID / College ID / Driving License / Employee ID Card / Lessee No. / PAN Card / Ration Card / Registration No. / School ID / TAN No. / TIN NO. (Commercial Tax)/ Vehicle No. / Voter ID).

** ID Number – Enter the ID number of the ID type selected in ID Type option.
** Select Your Security Question – Select a security question for password recovery in case the user forgets his / her password or if the password has been hacked.

** Security Answer – Enter an answer for the security question selected.
** Enter Text – Enter the captcha text displayed. This is used to identify a human user and prevent any robotic access into the system.
** Save – Click the Save button to proceed.

After entering all the details an OTP is send to the user’s mobile number. This number is used as the first password for default login into the system and user is prompted to create a new password. After this step the user is taken back to the Home page for Login.

Online Registered User

When a Registered user logs into the system Welcome Online User Home Page is displayed with multiple tabs.

The various option available are :
** My Account
i. Mange Personal Details
ii. Transaction History

** Head Profile
i. Create Head Profile
** Pay Now
** Search Receiving Office And Head
** Change Password

My Account – Manage Personal Details

Users can edit and view their personal details. All the details mentioned during registration are available for viewing and editing except the e-mail ID.

My Account – Transaction History

Users can view their transaction history by the following selection :
** All – View all transactions irrespective of success, pending or failure.
** Success – View only successful transactions.
** Uncleared – View failed transactions.
** By GRN Number – Search particular transactions by GRN number.

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