nari.nic.in Regular Health Check-Up Service : National Repository of Information for Women

Organisation : National Repository of Information for Women
Service Name : Regular Health Check-Up Service
Applicable States/ UTs : All Over India
Applicable For : Women Only
Home Page : http://www.nari.nic.in/
Details Here : http://www.nari.nic.in/regular-health-check-ups

NARI Regular Health Check-Up

Upon approaching a certain age, regular health checkups are essential for the early detection of possible diseases.

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** Regular health check-ups become more and more essential as a woman becomes older. An increase in age has a direct increase in the risk of developing certain diseases in women.

** Health check-ups conducted regularly by a licensed physician enable the maintenances of good-health and also increase the chances of an early detection of diseases.

** Regular health check-ups also reduce the cost and expenditure of facing an unexpected illness.

** Health check-ups often differentiate in need and requirement depending on age and individual factors. Hence, a physician’s advice plays a major role in determining the kind of tests that one requires more regularly than others.

** The following list is not exhaustive, but only certain elementary health check-ups women should regularly get done.

Essential Health Check-Ups For Woman

** Blood pressure screenings must be done as a woman approaches the age of 20. Blood pressure is also easier to track at home with a manual machine.

In the incidence of high blood pressure, there might be a greater number of physician advised tests to assess the root of the problem.

** Cholesterol check conducted once every 5 years after the age of 20 significantly reduces the incidence of unexpected heart diseases. High cholesterol might call for other tests by a physician.

** A Pelvic Exam is essential to find out any gynecological problems a woman might be facing. The pelvic exam is essential when it comes to identifying a variety of disorders, such as ovarian cysts, sexually transmitted infections, uterine fibroids or early-stage cancer.

** A Pap smear involves a procedure to test cervical cancer in a woman. The test can also assess changes in the cells of the nearby area to see whether cervical cancer may develop in the future.

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** A Mammogram is a test that generates an X-ray image of a woman’s breast to screen for breast cancer or possible cancerous death. Being a procedure that allows for early detection, breast cancer now has a reduced fatality among women taking regular mammograms.

** Colon cancer screening is essential for doctors to identify and remove polyps before they become cancerous.

Medical Check-Ups For 20-30 Years Of Age

** Keeping track of your weight- one should weigh oneself regularly, because putting on too much weight puts one at a high risk for developing a number of diseases later in life.
** Blood Pressure

** Cholesterol Profile- one should also have a cholesterol test. All individuals over the age of 20 should be aware of their cholesterol numbers, and get them checked at least once every five years.
** Essentials to prevent health problems- Breast Exam, Pelvic Exam and Pap

** Protecting one’s eyes- You may not have considered this, but at some point before you’re 40, visit an eye care provider for an exam.
** Update your immunizations- Consult your doctor to gain information about any new immunizations that you might need.

Medical Check-Ups For 40 Years Of Age & Above

** Blood sugar- Regular consumption of unhealthy food and continuous weight gain can induce a harmful result on the pancreas. Individuals over the age of 40 must be vigilant in getting a fasting blood sugar test, at least once every three years.

** Breast exam and mammogram- One must regularly examine their chest area at home to check for moles and bumps, but visiting the doctor for a more professional and conclusive result is essential. Most experts recommend having a mammogram test done after the age of 40.

** Blood pressure- An increase in blood pressure is relatively common with increasing age. However, to prevent any further complications, blood pressure tests are essential at every age.

** Keeping track of your weight
** Pelvic exam and Pap smear-A women should get this test done especially, if she is sexually active.

** Looking for moles- Unusual moles or skin changes can be indications of cancer. If witnessed initially, it can lead to a successful recovery.

** Protecting one’s eyes
: After the age of 40, it’s important to get one’s eyes tested every two years to check for common problems like presbyopia, glaucoma etc.

Immunization Of Adults

** Update your immunizations- Consult your doctor to gain information about any new immunizations that you might need.
** Immunization of adults

** It might be easy to assume that after the multiple vaccines of childhood, adults no longer need shots. However, vaccines form an integral part of preventing problems in health, even among adults.

** Several factors affect one’s vaccination needs. Before receiving a shot, one must inform their physician if they’re planning to travel abroad, are pregnant or breast feeding, moderately or severely ill, have severe allergies or a history of an allergy with a past vaccine, have a weakened immune system, have recently had another vaccine or a transfusion, or if they have a personal or family history of seizures.

These individual traits and features help determine the vaccines that are best suited to maintain ideal health.

** Vaccines might also be recommended based on the frequency of sexual activity. Hepatitis A and B that can cause liver infection can be prevented through vaccination.

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