haryana.attendance.gov.in Organization Registration : Haryana Biometric Attendance System

Organisation : Haryana Biometric Attendance System
Service Name : Organization Registration
Applicable States/ UTs : Haryana
Home Page : https://attendance.gov.in/
Register Here : https://haryana.attendance.gov.in/

How To Do Haryana Attendance Organization Registration?

Please follow the below steps for Haryana Attendance Organization Registration,

Related / Similar Facility : Haryana Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme

Steps to complete the Organization On-boarding Process :
1. Download the Organization On-boarding form from the above link.
2. Fill the downloaded form with the required information and get it signed by the Head of the organization/department, with the organization stamp/seal.

3. Scan the filled, signed & stamped form and save it in “.jpg” format of max file size 200 Kb. The scanned file should be uploaded along with the web form.

4. Steps to fill the online form
** Select the name of your organization, it will assist you in completing the name as you key in, if the name is available in our database. If your organization name does not show please get in touch with our help desk.

** Enter the communication address of the organization
** Select the state. (currently only for Delhi )
** Enter your pin code

** Enter the landline phone number.
** Enter the email address of NIC Co-ordinator
** Enter the name of the nodal officer

** Provide the Aadhaar number of the nodal officer
** Please enter the designation of the nodal officer
** Enter the Mobile number of the nodal officer
** Please select the scanned file which you need to upload with the form
5. Please review the form before submission.

Note :
a. After submitting the form, a One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to the nodal officer email and mobile, to verify the form data submitted.

b. After your request is processed, you will receive an email with your account details.

FAQ On Haryana Organization Attendance System

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Haryana Organization Biometric Attendance System (BAS) & Registration

1. How does an organisation start Biometric Attendance System (BAS) for their employees?
Please submit details of the nodal officer and upload a signed request by the head of the department on attendance.gov.in portal. System would send OTP to the mobile number/email id of the nodal officer which needs to be entered again on the portal for verification.

Back-end administrator would then check the details of the organisation submitted and make the organisation active by assigning it a unique sub-domain which will be the first name of the website.

Nodal officer will then be sent an email by the system giving username (which will be the sub-domain name assigned to the organisation) and a password.

2. Steps to be done by the nodal officer to start registration of employees
Nodal officer would need to login on attendance.gov.in with the user name and password sent on completion of step 1 and then create master list of locations of their offices, designation of their offices and divisions/units/groups within their organisation.

3. How does employee start registering on the portal ?
After nodal officer completes step 1 & 2, employee can start registering on-line either at attendance.gov.in by submitting their details along with their Aadhaar number.

4. What are steps of verification of employees?
Nodal Officer would need to verify details submitted by the employee including whether Aadhaar number entered by the employee belongs to them.

After completing of the above verifications, employee would be informed by SMS/Email that his registration process is completed on the attendance.gov.in is completed.

5. Whether an employee will be able to mark his attendance on any Biometric Attendance System (BAS) terminal installed in any Government Building
Yes, this will be possible as employee database for all central Government employees will be maintained centrally with a unique 6 digit id provided for every Government employee (based on the last 6 or first 6 digits of his/her Aadhaar number whichever is available in the system).

The dashboard reports would be able show the location/building from where an employee has marked his attendance.

Haryana Organization Attendance System Helpdesk

For any other assistance regarding Haryana Organization Attendance System registration, please get in touch with the Helpdesk at 1800 111 555 (Toll free no.).

Features of Haryana Organization Attendance System

Haryana Organization Attendance System (HOAS) is an online attendance system developed by the Government of Haryana. The system is designed to help government employees to mark their attendance in a convenient and efficient manner.

HOAS offers a number of features that make it a valuable tool for government employees, including:
** Online attendance: Employees can mark their attendance online using a computer or mobile device.
** GPS tracking: Employees can be tracked using GPS to ensure that they are present at their place of work.
** Biometric authentication: Employees can authenticate their attendance using biometrics, such as fingerprints or iris scans.
** Reporting: HOAS provides reports on attendance, which can be used to track employee performance and productivity.
** Notifications: Employees can be notified of their attendance status through SMS or email.

Categories: Haryana
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