rcsharyana.gov.in Registration Process of Cooperative Society Haryana

Organisation : Registrar Co-operation Department Haryana
Service Name : Registration Process of Cooperative Society
Applicable States/ UTs : Haryana
Home Page : http://rcsharyana.gov.in/en-US/

RCS Cooperative Society Registration Haryana

A Co-operative Society is an association of persons, as specified from time to time as per the kind of society, united voluntarily to meet their common economic needs and aspirations, through a jointly owned and democratically enterprise, registered under the Haryana Co-operative Societies Act, 1984.

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1. Minimum number of persons required as 10 or as per instructions issued by Registrar, Co-operative Societies.
2. The society’s object should be promotion of the economic interests of its members in accordance with Co-operative principles.

3. The proposed society should be capable of being run on economically sound lines.
4. The Registration of the proposed society should not have an adverse effect on Co-operative movement.

5. The prospective members should contribute a minimum amount of share capital for the particular type of society to be started as per its byelaws.

How to Register?

Such of those persons, who wish to form a Co-operative Society, should send an application to the Assistant Registrar of the area on a prescribed proforma

i.e Form I along with the proposed byelaws, indicating the type of the society they want to form, number of persons likely to be enrolled as its members, and the name and address of the persons authorized to function as chief promoters and to attend to organisational matters.

This application should be signed by bnot less than 10 persons or by such number of persons as per instructions issued by the Registrar, Co-operative Societies from time to time.

Where the ARCS refuses to register a society, he is required to communicate within a period of one month from the date of receipt of application for registration, the order of refusal together with the reasons thereof to such of the applicants as may be prescribed

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Provided that if the application for registration is not disposed of within a period of one month as specified above, the application shall be deemed to have been accepted for registration. Form of application for registration of a Co-operative Society is available with the offices of ARCS in the state

Types of Societies

Apex Co-operative Societies

** Haryana State Co-operative Apex Bank (HARCO BANK)
** Haryana State Co-operative Agriculture Rural Development Bank (HSCARDB)

** Haryana State Co-operative Supply & Mkt. Fed. (HAFED)
** Haryana State Co-operative Sugar Mills Fed. (SUGAR FED)
** Haryana State Ind. Federation (Under Winding up)

** Haryana Handloom Weavers Co-op. Apex Society Ltd.
** Haryana Co-op. Dairy Dev. Fed. (DAIRY FED)
** Haryana State Co-operative Wholesale Consumer Fed (CONFED)

** Haryana State Co-op. L&C Fed. (LABOURFED)
** Haryana State Co-op. Housing Fed.(HOUSE FED)
** Haryana State Co-op. Dev. Fed.

Central Co-operative Societies

** Co-op. Spining Mills
** Central Co-op. Banks
** Co-op. Sugar Mills
** Central Co-op. Consumer Store
** Distt. Co-op.Labour & Constructions Fed.
** Milk Union (Distt.)
** Distt. Milk Union with M.Plant

Primary Societies

** Agri. Credit Service Societhy
** Primary Agri. Co-op. Society (PACS)
** Co-op. Urban Bank
** (a) Co-op. Marketing Society
** Primary Co-op. Consumer Store

** Milk Societies
** Co-op. Labour & Constructions Societies
** Distt. Primary Co-op. Agri. & Rural Dev. Bank
** Co-op. Transport Society
** Co-op. Group Housing Society/House Building Society

** Brick-Kin-Co-op. Society
** Cooperative Sugar Cane Society
** Cinema Society
** Co-op. Industrial Society
** Co-op. Farming Society

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