sfc.bihar.gov.in Register Your Mobile & Download e-Challan : Bihar State Food & Civil Supplies Corporation

Organisation : Bihar State Food & Civil Supplies Corporation Limited
Service Name : Register your Mobile & Download e-Challan
Applicable States/ UTs : Bihar
Home Page : http://sfc.bihar.gov.in/login.htm

SFC Register Your Mobile

Mobile numbers registered with this portal will receive the grain dispatch status for the selected fpshop.

Related / Similar Service :
eGPF Bihar

North Bihar Power Distribution Company Bill Pay

Please enter the following details to Register your Mobile Number,
1. Select District*
2. Select Block*
3. Select FPShop*
4. Enter Customer Name
5. Enter Mobile No
6. Tick on Check
7. Click on the Register button

Download e-Challan

To Download e-Challan you have to provide the following details,
1. Enter Unique Reference Number
2. Select District
3. Select Block
4. Select Panchayat
5. Select Month *
6. Select Year*
7. Select Scheme*
8. Click on the Search button

Food Security Act

The Government of India passed the National Food Security Bill, which received the assent of the President of India on September 10, 2013 and has come into force as the National Food Security Act, 2013 with effect from July 5, 2013.

The basic objective of this Act is to ensure adequate quantity of quality food and nutritional security to the people at affordable price.

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Food & Consumer Protection Dept. works towards the following objectives :
** Food security to poor people.
** Supply of food grains and other items at subsidized rate to the Above Poverty Line (APL), Below Poverty Line (BPL) and Antyodaya families.

** Supply of free food grains to old destitute under Annapurna scheme.
** To control price, black marketing and hoarding of essential commodities.
** To control adulteration of Petrol and Diesel.
** To ensure proper distribution of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG).

** Protection of consumer’s rights and their welfare.
** To provide Minimum Support Price of grains to the farmers through procurement.
** Supply of subsidized Kerosene Oil to the consumers.

Salient Features of ePDS

** Prepare fully self-managed stock exchanges.
** Automatically matching the amount of the fixed dues of the value of the food by the shopkeeper of the self-propelled public distribution system.

** Establishment of Electronic Weighing Machine for giving accurate weight of the quantity of food to the shopkeepers of the public distribution system.
** According to Act 12 (2) (e) of National Food Security, in the appropriate vehicle in transport, the G.P.S. And use of load cell.

** Supervision of the operation of the vehicles in the control room located in the District Office of the State Food Corporation and headquarter.
** Automatic SMS related to food distribution to beneficiaries Vigilant by

** Under National Food Security, 12 (2) (a), M.S. Determine transparency and accountability by
** Diagnose complaints through technical help desks dedicated help desk.

** Time Management of Inclusion of Food and Receipts in Warehouses of Computerization.
** Troubles to complaints by the dedicated Centers Center and Helpline provided under section 14 of the National Food Security Act.

Benefits of Bihar ePDS

The benefits of Bihar ePDS include:
** Improved efficiency: ePDS has helped to improve the efficiency of the PDS by reducing the time and effort required to distribute food grains.
** Increased transparency: ePDS has helped to increase transparency in the PDS by making it easier to track the distribution of food grains.
** Reduced corruption: ePDS has helped to reduce corruption in the PDS by making it more difficult to divert food grains from their intended beneficiaries.
** Improved targeting: ePDS has helped to improve targeting of food grains by ensuring that they are distributed to the most needy beneficiaries.

Categories: Bihar

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  • डिसटिक अररिया के प्रखणड पलासी मैं प्रखंड का प्रखंड विकास पदाधिकारी और प्रखंड का डाटा ओपलेटर दोनों ने अपना अपना मिली भगत से प्रखंड का सभी एकीस पंचायतों का गरीब परिवारों का राशन काडॆ का आवेदन पत्र लेने के क्मॆ में आर टी पी एस का औपलैटर से मिलीभगत से प्रति एक आवेदन में गरीबों से दौ दौ हो रुपया कर केकमीशन लिया जाता है। खुलेआम से जिस का कोई कार्रवाई नहीं करता है

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