my.msme.gov.in Incubation Scheme : Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises

Organisation : Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
Scheme Name : Incubation Scheme
Applicable States/ UTs : All India
Website : https://my.msme.gov.in/MyMsme/Reg/Home.aspx

MSME Incubation Scheme

The Scheme provides opportunity to the innovators in developing and nurturing their new innovative ideas for the production of new innovative products which can be sent in to the market for commercialization.

Related : MSME Lean Manufacturing Scheme : www.statusin.in/37753.html


** To promote emerging technological and knowledge based innovative ventures that seek the nurturing of ideas from professionals.
** To promote and support untapped creativity of individual innovators and also to assist Individual innovators to become technology based entrepreneurs.
** To promote networking and forging of linkages with other constituents of the innovation chain for commercialization of their developments.

Salient Features

** Under this scheme Government of India is providing opportunity to the innovators in developing and nurturing their new innovative ideas for the production of new innovative products which can be sent in to the market for commercialization.

This Ministry has been implementing this scheme since 2008 under the approved guidelines which permits the Govt. GoI financial assistance of 75 % to 85 % of the project cost up to the maximum of 8.00 Lakh. This fund is routed through the Business Incubator (BIs).

** These BIs are IITs, NITs, Engineering Colleges approved by AICTE, Central / State Universities recognized by UGC and other recognized R & D and / or Technical Institutes / Centres, Development Institutes of DIP&P in the field of Paper, Rubber, Machines Tools, etc. These Institutions are also known as host institutions.

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** Host Institutions (HI) are exploring the new innovative ideas from the Incubatee of various sectors that may be existing and prospective entrepreneurs.

Even the students from the various streams are also participating in nurturing their new ideas through the Host Institutions as a part of their studies and carrier building.

Who Can Apply

IITs, NITs, Engineering Colleges approved by AICTE, Central / State Universities recognized by UGC and other recognized R & D and / or Technical Institutes / Centres, Development Institutes of DIP&P in the field of Paper, Rubber, Machines Tools, etc.


** Selection of Business Incubator (BI) / Host Institutions (HI).
** Selection of New Innovative Ideas applying through approved BI/HI recommended from Local Selection Committee.
** Release of GoI assistance to approved Ideas.

Implementing Agencies

The incubational support will be provided by Host Institutions, like :
(i) Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs)
(ii) National Institutes of Technology ( NITs)
(iii) Engineering Colleges
(iv) Technology Development Centres, Tool Rooms, etc
(v) Other recognised R&D&/or Technical Institutes/Centres, Development Institutes of DIP&P in the field of Paper, Rubber, Machine Tools, etc.

The geographical areas, the disciplines and the infrastructure-providers listed above will be reviewed midway during the implementation, for any corrective action needed to make the scheme more effective with better outcome

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