finance.assam.gov.in CMSGUY Chief Minister’s Samagra Gramya Unnayan Yojana

Organisation : Finance, Government of Assam
Service Name : Chief Minister’s Samagra Gramya Unnayan Yojana (CMSGUY)
Applicable States/ UTs : Assam
Website: https://finance.assam.gov.in/schemes/cmsguy

Finance Assam CMSGUY

A 5-year mega-mission called Chief Minister Samagra Gramya Unnayan Yojana (CMSGUY) was launched in the Financial Year(FY) 2016-17, which is scheduled to culminate in the FY 2021-22, coinciding with 75 years of India’s Independence.

Related : Finance Assam Register a Society : www.statusin.in/38029.html

The main objective of the mission is to double the farm income, in unison with the vision of Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.


At the current rate of growth, it will take about 80 years to double the farm income in Assam. Normal interventions by the Government in this regard would not be adequate to address the problem.

The Way Ahead

Under CMSGUY there is a proposal to initiate massive investments in rural areas for complete rural empowerment in a period of five years in a focused and concerted manner to realize the dream of doubling the farm income.

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This is sought to be achieved though ‘saturation model’ by covering each revenue village through focused interventions in (a) Direct economic activities, (b) Logistic support include market linkages, and (c) Community support.

Above focused interventions are aimed at in nine critical areas and related sub-missions are :
** Fishery Mission,
** Milk Mission,
** Organic Mission,
** Land Management and Conservation Mission,
** Sericulture, Khadi and Cottage Industry Mission,
** Road and Broadband connectivity,
** Semi-Processing, Processing and Market Linkages,
** “Youth-Yoga-Sports” Mission and
** e-Gram Mission by developing Village Knowledge Centres by strengthening traditional Namghar and other community institutions.


Restructuring Systems and Technology for Augmentation of Resources for Transformed Assam (ReSTART) : An ambitious programme by the Government of Assam to mop up maximum possible State’s Own Resources through a coordinated and concerted mission mode programme — Restructuring Systems and Technology for Augmentation of Resources for Transformed Assam (ReSTART).

ReSTART Assam will have four pronged action plan described below :
** Rationalise the revenue collection from VAT, State Excise, MV Tax, Forest and Oil Royalty through reforms and restructuring of policy, legislations, and administration. This includes measures to increase efficiency in tax collection and rationalise the tax structure based on the best models of other progressive states.

** Mobilising additional resources, in a big away, through Externally Aided Projects (EAP). This will be driven in a concerted and coordinated manner by the Finance Department itself through a dedicated cell created by name LEAPs (Lead EAPs).

** Assam State Public Finance Institutional Reforms (ASPIRe)
: An Assam State Public finance Institutional Reforms Project, funded by World Bank, as an externally aided project for improving the systems in public finance management and focusing investments in critical sectors inducing growth, development and employment in a post-Planning Commission scenario.

** A large scale IT-enabled systems with “near-zero human interface” and real time monitoring of revenue collection.

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