Commercial Taxes Department : eReturn/ Sugar Mill Form Download Uttar Pradesh

Organization : Uttar Pradesh Commercial Taxes Department
Facility : eReturn/ Sugar Mill Form Download
Applicable State : Uttar Pradesh

Home Page :http://comtax.up.nic.in/main.htm
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eReturn :

Process For Downloading Sugar Mill Form :
** Visit to departmental website comtax.up.nic.in and click on (e-Return and Sugar Mill Form Registration) link.

Related : Commercial Taxes Department Uttar Pradesh e-Amendment Application for dealer : www.statusin.in/3811.html

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To Register for E-return and Sugar Mill Form(one time registration).
** Enter tin number for registration , after entering tin registration form will be displayed fill all entries and hit submit button.After successful registration email will be sent to registered email id with login credentials.
** Visit to departmental website comtax.up.nic.in and click on e-Return / Sugar Mill Form link. Login with the TIN No as user ID and password sent to the mail ID.
** After login, menu screen will appear and at the last of the first column there is option of Sugar Mill.
** Click on entry for Sugar Mill and in the following screen enter the TIN No of the seller.Name and address of the firm will be automatically filled.Select the month and financial year from the drop down .
** The invoice details can be entered in the grid provided in the screen.After entering the one row click on the ADD button to enter the details of other invoice.IF wrong entry is done in any row the row can be deleted by clicking on the DELETE button.
** After all the entries Click on Save Finally button and the form will be generated with Unique No.
** To reprint the form click on Reprint Certificate in the menu option.
** Select the form no from the drop down and click on SUBMIT button.
** The initial details will be shown and if found correct Click on CLICK HERE TO PROCEED.
** The form will be shown for the printing.

Important : PLEASE USE OFFLINE TOOL for e-Return Filing (it is mandatory)
1. Dealer should fill all the 10 Formats for Form-24 given to them through Offline Tool
2. All Excel Sheets should be zipped using the Offline Tool.
3. All the 10 Zip files should be uploaded using Upload File Option.
4. Returns for the Assessment Period before Febuary-2010 may be filed using older versions of Tool and excel sheets.(Please refer to notification dated 5th Febuary 2010).
5. In case of Wrong Token Generation,a fresh token can be generated using ‘Revised Return’.

1. Dealer’s who are facing problem in creating Zip file of Return 24 Excel-sheet, please download again Return Form 24 Offline Tool.

2. The uploading of returns will remain closed everyday between 2300 hrs to 0400 hrs to facilitate uninterrupted porting of returns already uploaded. Kindly do not try to upload the returns in the above duration.
3. e-Sancharan is compulsory for dealers with turnover greater than 50 Lacks from 01-06-2015.

Categories: Uttar Pradesh
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