ebaalnidan.nic.in Online Complaint Management System : National Commission for Protection of Child Rights

Organisation : National Commission for Protection of Child Rights
Service Name : Online Complaint Management System
Applicable States/ UTs : All India
Website : http://www.ebaalnidan.nic.in/Welcome.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f

NCPCR Online Complaint Management System

One of the Core Mandates of the Commission is to inquire into complaints of violations of child rights.

Related : Ministry of Labour & Employment NCLPS National Child Labour Project Scheme : www.statusin.in/37502.html

The commission is also required to take suo moto cognisance of serious cases of violation of child rights and to examine factors that inhibit the enjoyment of rights of children.

** Complaints may be made to the Commission in any language of the 8th Schedule of the Constitution
** No fee shall be chargeable on such complaints
** The complaint shall disclose a complete picture of the matter leading to the complaint
** The Commission may seek further information/ affidavits as may be considered necessary

While making a complaint, please ensure that the complaint is :
** Clear and legible and not vague, anonymous or pseudonymous
** Genuine, not trivial or frivolous
** Not related to civil disputes such as property rights, contractual obligations and the like
** Not related to service matters
** Not pending before any other commission duly constituted under law or sub-judice before a court/ tribunal
** Not already decided by the Commission
** Not outside the purview of the Commission on any other grounds

NCPCR User Registration Form

1. Select Prefered language *
2. Enter your Email ID * Check User Availability
3. Enter Mobile
4. Enter Captcha
5. Click on the Register button

FAQ On eBaalNidan

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On eBaalNidan

1. What is eBaalNidan?
eBaalNidan is an online portal of Complaint Management System of NCPCR.

2 What is the benefit of eBaalNidan?
Through eBaalNidan , any individual or organisation can file complaint relating to violation of child rights through internet facility. Complainant can view status of his or her complaint. It does not require the complainant to come to the office of NCPCR for just filing a complaint.

3. Who can file complaint through eBaalNidan?
Any person whether individual or organisation can file complaint to the NCPCR through eBaalNidan.

4. What are the procedures/ steps required to be taken for filing of complaint through eBaalNidan?
The steps required for filing of complaint through eBaalNidan are :
Step – I Before you file a complainant through eBaalNidan, you need to have a valid email id and a mobile number.
Step – II You need to first register yourself by providing required information such as your name, address etc. with the portal.

Step – III After successful registration, a user id and password will be provided to you for Login purpose.
Step – IV After login, you can file your complaint by filing required information in the space provided for the purpose. You can also upload relevant documents pertaining to your complaint in PDF format.

5. Do I require to pay any fee for filing complaint through eBaalNidan?
No. Filing of complaint through eBaalNidan is absolutely free and you are not required to pay any fee.

6. Can I upload any document relating to complaint through eBaalNidan ? Is there any size limitation of data which can be uploaded?
Yes. You can upload data in PDF format relating to you compliant without any limitation of size of data.

7. After registration of Compliant, what will happen?
After successfully registration of your complainant through eBaalNidan, NCPCR will process your complaint and take action in accordance with laws, rules and procedures.

8. Can I view status of my complaint filed through eBaalNidan ?
Yes. You can view status of your complaint any time by logging to the eBaalNidan.

9. What happen, if I am not satisfied by final disposal of my complaint by NCPCR?
If you are not satisfied with action taken by NCPCR, you can reply with your comments to the NCPCR within 60 days of communication of final disposal of your complaint by the NCPCR.

10. Whom to contact, if I face any difficulty in using the facility of e-Bal Nidan?
You can contact the office of NCPCR by Phone or Email or Fax or visit in person. You can find contact details of NCPCR at its website or the home page of the website of eBaalNidan.

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