Mahavat : Filing of e-Refund Application Maharashtra

Organisation : Maharashtra Department of Sales Tax
Facility :Filing of e-Refund Application

Home Page : http://www.mahavat.gov.in/Mahavat/index.jsp
Login here : http://www.mahavat.gov.in/Mahavat/HomeController?login=login&logintype=DEALER
For More Details here : https://www.statusin.in/uploads/3883-WEB_INSTRUCTIONS_17__03.pdf

Online Filing Of Refund Application :
Instruction Sheet For E-501 :
General Instructions :
** Now electronic filing of form 501 has been made mandatory to all dealers instead of physical filing of form 501 to the sales tax offices.

Related / Similar Service : Maharashtra Tax Know Your TIN

** The dealers who desire to claim refund shall file the electronic form 501 along with the mandatory annexures.
** The form 501, annexure A, Annexure B, annexure C and annexure D are prescribed and notified. The filing of annexure A and annexure B are mandatory in all refund applications. Whereas the filing of annexure C and D are mandatory in case of dealers, who have effected the transactions under the CST Act like interstate sales, branch transfer sale, sales-in-transit, sales to unit of SEZ located in other states, sales for the export or sale in the course of exports (Penultimate sale/Deemed Exports) etc.

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Procedure for online filing of Refund Application :
All dealers, those enrolled for e-Services can file e-501. Those who are not enrolled for e-services can enroll them first for e-services by using the utility available on website of the department of sales tax under the link “New User Enrollment.

Downloading the Form 501 template :
The templates of e-form 501 and annexures thereto are prepared in single Excel workbook and are freely available on website from “DOWNLOAD”menu on Home Page as per path shown below.

Preparation of Refund Application :
** Dealers shall take precaution to use MS Excel in MS Office for preparation and validation of e-refund forms.
** Macro security level setting : – Dealer should keep macro security level “medium”or “low”in “tools”menu on Manu Bar. This will activate the Visual Basic Validation utility in templates of e-refund forms.
** After setting the macro security level, the templates should be closed after saving. Thereafter again the same template should be reopened for the purpose of entering the information.
** The e-refund templates have inbuilt validation utility in MS Excel as well as Visual Basic. There are six sheets in the e-refund template. Sheet 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are form 501, annexure A, annexure B, annexure C and annexure D respectively, whereas the errors are displayed along with detailed error messages in first sheet.
** The data should first be entered in form 501 sheet and then in relevant annexure sheets. The annexure A (Sheet 3) and Annexure B (Sheet 4) shall be filled in for all refund applications. The annexure C and D (sheet 5 and 6) shall be filled in, if dealer has effected sales under the CST Act, irrespective of other category selected. The dealer having interstate transaction e.i. interstate sale, branch transfer, sale in the course of exports (deemed exports), sale in transit etc shall fill in all annexure A, B, C and D (Sheet 3,4,5,6).
** In case of annexure B, it requires to select the applicable refund scheme. The various refund schemes have been prescribed in the Trade Circulars as under;

Precautions to be taken while entering data in e-501 Template :
** The e-501 applications are accepted only for periods starting on or after 01-04-2006.
** The Refund Period should be as per the periodicity of filing of returns.
** The “From Date” of Annexure A/C/D can be earlier than the return period in which refund is claimed, if excess credit has been carried forward from previous return period.
** Pasting of data in Annexures is possible by pasting values only by using “Paste Special” utility of Excel, provided table structure is same as annexures.
** If template format is changed it tampers in-built validations in Excel as well as Visual Basic to check the self consistency of data entered.
** For problems related to Incorrect Invoice date please change the date format to English (UK) and customize date as dd/mm/yy in “Regional and Language settings” of Control Panel of your PC.
** Space or special characters in File Name generate upload error, hence such characters should be avoided.
** Please ensure that there is no “space” entered along with figures in any of the excel sheet.
** If acknowledgment could not be printed after successful upload of rem.txt, please go to Dealer Info where the past Acknowledgments can be printed from the link provided on transaction ID.

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