Kerala Taxes : e-Payment of VAT

Organisation : Kerala Commercial Taxes Deptartment
Facility :e-Payment of VAT

Home Page : https://keralataxes.gov.in/
Login here : http://comtax.kerala.gov.in/web/iCOMITRAX/loginRPS.jsp
For More Details :https://www.statusin.in/uploads/3949-e_PAY__ENG_PROCEDURE_final.pdf

VAT e-Payment

Dealers’ Procedures :
For availing the facility of e-Payment, Internet Banking Account is mandatory for all the TIN Registered dealers.

Related : Kerala Taxes VAT e-Payment for Corporate & Personal Accounts : www.statusin.in/3965.html

The required User id and Password would be issued by the Bank, to those dealers who possess Internet Banking Account. Those dealers who already have an Account with The State Bank of India or The State Bank of Travancore need not open a new Account, inorder to avail the facility of e-Payment. The facility to open a Zero Balance account is available with the SBI & SBT. The dealer can approach the nearest branch for opening the account, if not have the same.

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e-Payment Procedure :
The Registered TIN dealers can login to the website of theDepartment keralataxes.gov.in, using the User id and Password obtained from the Department of Commercial Taxes, and file their e-Return using the ‘File Return’ link available in the Home Page, and enter their return details. Sales statement can be uploaded using the ‘Upload Sales Invoice‘ link, and Purchase statement using the ‘UploadPurchase Invoice’ link available in the Home Page. If the dealer is not liable to pay any tax, he can proceed by clicking on the ‘Print Return’ link of Home Page, select the return for the respective month, check the ‘I accept’ check-box, and click on the

‘Submit’ button to complete the E-filing process. :
** If the dealer has the liability to pay tax, before clicking on the ‘Print Return’ link of Home Page, he / she will have to click on the ‘e-Payment’ link in the Home Page itself. The below screen will appear on click of ‘e-Payment’ :
** From this screen, the dealer can either take the printout of ‘Tax Payment Counterfoil’ or Download and keep the same in pdf
** With in a time limit of 10 seconds, dealer will be automaticallyre-directed to the website of The Commercial Taxes Department alongwith that, e- Chalan will be displayed, and the submission of return willbe completed automatically. The format of e- chalan is as shown below :
** The dealer can now take the printouts of Return, Acknowledgement and e-Chalan through the ‘Print Return’ link. If the printout of e-Chalan is taken soon after the completion of e-Payment process, the dealer will be able to view only the Bank Reference Number. Whereas, the print will contain Treasury Sequence number also, after 3 to 4 days of completion of e-Payment process. Presumptive Tax and Advance Tax have been temporarily exemptedfrom the e-Payment facility.

About Us :
The history of Sales tax in I ndia begins from 1938. During the pre- independence days the Provinces in Brit ish I ndia were empowered under the Government of I ndia Act , 1935 to levy taxes on the sale of goods and on the advert isement s, as per Ent ry 48 in list I I of the VI I th Schedule of the Act . At the same t ime the Princely State had sovereign legislat ive powers to promulgate their own laws for the levy of tax on the t ransact ion of sale of goods.

Contact Us :
Tax Tower, Killippalam,
Karamana P. O,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695 002

Categories: Kerala
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