Delhi Transport Department : Application for Issue of International Driving Permit

Organization : DIMTS Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System Ltd Transport Department
Facility :Application for Issue of International Driving Permit

Home Page :http://www.dimts.in/default.aspx
Download here :https://www.statusin.in/uploads/4317-form-4a.pdf
For more details here :https://dlpay.dimts.in/app/Appointments_doc.aspx

International Driving Permit :

How Do I Get An International Driving Permit :
International Driving Permit is a document which enables the citizens of India to drive motor vehicles in other countries as a stop-gap arrangement till they obtain the driving licence of that country.

Related : Delhi Transport Department Application for Driving Licence : www.statusin.in/4308.html

It is valid for period of 1 yr or for the duration of the validity of the visa or driving licence whichever is earlier. Procedure for issuance of IDP is prescribed under Rule 14(2) of CMV Rules. The applicant shall apply for same on Form 4A t o the MLO and MLO shall issue the IDP in Form 6A booklet format.

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Minimum Requirements :
Valid driving licence issued by any zonal office in Delhi. A valid passport issued by Government of India. Visa/permission t o visit the particular country.

Documents Required :
Valid Driving Licence A valid passport issued by India Visa/permission t o visit the particular country Three passport size photographs. Medical Certificate in Form 1A

Where To Apply For International Driving Permt :
In case the driving licence has been issued by any of the zonal offices in Delhi then the applicant can apply either through internet (Online)dimtspay.in or report directly t o any Transport Zonal Office. In Online cases, applicant should take the print out of the duly filled ONLINE application along with the reference number and submit the same at the Transport Zonal Office. If directly reporting t o the Transport Zonal Office, applicant should submit the application in the prescribed CMV Form-4A / Unified Form t o the licensing authority. In case the driving licence has been issued from any other state but the passport issued from Delhi then the applicant has t o report t o MLO directly for issue of IDP in Form 6A booklet format. In case driving licence and passport both have been issued from another state then the applicant is required t o submit one of the prescribed address proofs and report t o MLO directly. However, government officials travelling either on official/ diplomatic passport or on government duty shall be issued IDP on basis of the letter issued by the concerned department or Ministry.

What Is The Validity Of International Driving Permit :
The validity of international driving permit is for a period of 1 year from the date of issue or till the validity of the visa or driving licence whichever is earlier.

About Us :
Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System (DIMTS) Ltd. is an urban transport and infrastructure development company committed to build and deliver quality infrastructure. DIMTS came into being in April 2006. In July 2007 it became an equal equity joint venture company between the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) and the IDFC Foundation (a not-for-profit organization)

Categories: Delhi
Tags: dimts.in

View Comments (2)

  • Mall Road office dated 08/12/ 2015 Rafar bay Rohini John
    Driving license number DL-0120060048043
    Commercial driving license renewal
    Please submit my fees
    Last date for renewal is 25/12/2015

  • I am planning to go to thailand and i want to know that can i drive a vehicle in thailand without an idp. If i cant can you tell me where can i apply for an idp in kerala. And if i drive a vehicle in thailand only with a normal indian license without an idp what will happen.

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