trackmylaptop.net : Free Quick Heal Stolen Laptop Tracking Facility

Organization :Quick Heal Technologies Pvt Ltd
Facility : Trace Stolen Laptops Tracking Facility Online

Home Page :http://trackmylaptop.net/index.php

TrackMyLaptop service can be used by four different segments of users :
** Quick Heal users
** Other users
** Users who have purchased a second-hand laptop
** Cyber crime law enforcement authority

Quick Heal users :
Quick Heal users need to register their details by providing Quick Heal Product Key and other requested details. The Laptop will be traced based on the MAC ID of the Laptop. Quick Heal users do not have to manually provide the MAC ID as it will be automatically obtained and stored in the database during Quick Heal activation, or during product update (if the product has already been activated). If the laptop is stolen then Quick Heal will provide trace reports to the registered users, whenever the laptop is connected to internet and when Quick Heal requests for an update.

Other Users :
Users who do not have Quick Heal installed on their Laptops, referred to as Other users, and whose laptops are stolen need to register by clicking Not a Quick Heal user and providing all the requested details (the user can provide a maximum of 3 MAC IDs if the laptop has multiple network interface). The MAC ID will be compared with the records of stolen laptop details in the database. If a match is found the user will be intimated regarding the same.

Users who have purchased a second-hand laptop :
Users who have purchased a second hand laptop can confirm if their laptops are genuine or stolen item by entering the MAC ID of the purchased laptop. If it is listed then it means it is a stolen laptop.

Cyber crime / law enforcement authority :
If the law enforcement authority or the concerned authority have recovered stolen laptops then they can check if the MAC ID of the laptops has been reported stolen by checking the database.

Difference between TrackMyLaptop and other laptop tracking services :
Most laptop tracking services require a client agent or software to be installed on the laptop. Upon theft, if the hard disk is completely erased then the tracking service does not work. TrackMyLaptop avoids this scenario by providing a portal for the laptop community (all laptop users) of India to register their stolen laptop details (MAC IDs) so that it can create a database of the same that can assist in quick recovery of the stolen laptops.

The following are the benefits of using TrackMyLaptop service :
** Free service to the entire laptop using community (all laptop users) of India.
** Does not require installation of additional software.
** Can be availed by Quick Heal and non Quick Heal users.
** Law Enforcement Authority also have access to verify if a particular MAC ID is stolen or not.
** Buyers of second hand laptop can confirm if the purchase is genuine or not.

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