electricity.puducherry.gov.in Enhancement Of Load

Organization : Pondicherry Electricity Department
Facility : Enhancement Of Load

Home Page : http://electricity.puducherry.gov.in/service/load_enhance.htm
Download Forms here :http://electricity.puducherry.gov.in/download/index.htm

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Enhancement Of Load :
Consumer’s Increased Load Requirement :
** The procedure for sanction of additional power will be the same as for a new installation except that dues, if any shall be cleared before sanction of additional power.
** No High tension consumer shall connect any additional load in the existing High Tension service connection without obtaining the prior approval of the Electrical Inspector to Government as required under Rule 63 of the Indian Electricity Rules 1956 and without prior intimation to the Electricity Department to enable the department to take a revised Test Report from the Consumer. Failure to observe the above requirements shall render the supply liable to be summarily disconnected and the supply shall remain disconnected until the additional loads are tested and a revised Test Report is signed by the High Tension consumer.
** In the case of Low Tension Service connections, other than domestic service connection, were unauthorized additional load is detected, action will be taken as provided in Chapter – X.
** No additional load/demand will be sanctioned unless all outstanding dues in the same service connection have been paid.
** No consumer shall extend supply to any other premises.
** Any consumer, not covered by the Low tension Tariffs (Domestic), may make alterations, additions or repairs to his installations only as provided hereunder.
** Should the consumer, at any time after supply of electricity has commenced, desire to increase the number or size of lights, fans, motors etc., in his premises or in any way alter the position of the wiring therein, he shall send notice thereof in writing to the department whose representative will call and inspect the proposed alterations, additions or repairs . Failure to give such notice may derange the supply system and will render the supply to the consumer liable to be summarily disconnected. During the period the period when such alterations, additions or repairs are executed, the supply o the circuit which is being altered, added to or repaired, must be entirely disconnected and shall remain disconnected until the alterations, additions or repairs have been tested and passed by the Engineer of the department.

In the case of Low Tension service connections, the department is entitled to cancel the sanction of the unutilized sanctioned load after giving one month’s notice.
** If any part of the sanctioned load is not availed within 12 months from the date of service connection.
** (or)
** If any part of the additional load sanctioned to an existing service connection is not availed within 12 months from the date of sanction.

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