Electricity Department Puducherry : Obtain New Domestic Service Connection

Organization : Pondicherry Electricity Department
Facility : Obtain New Domestic Service Connection

Home Page : http://electricity.puducherry.gov.in/service/nsc_domst.htm
Download Forms here :http://electricity.puducherry.gov.in/download/index.htm

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New Domestic Services :
Procedure Applicable To Domestic/Non-Commercial Lighting :
The application in the prescribed form, dully filled up in all respects and signed by the applicant/power of attorney shall be got registered at the jurisdictional O&M Sub-division Office along with the attested true copies or photostat copies of the following documents namely :
** Registered Documents evidencing title to the premises, to the satisfaction of the department.
** In case of Secondary deeds, like settelement deed/donation/will deeds, attessted primary deeds to be enclosed.
** Registered deed of power of attorney, if applicable.
** Death certificate in case of will/deed in the name of deceased along with proof of legal heirship, if applicable.
** A consent letter from the owners in case of joint ownership/other legal heir, if applicable.
** A consent letter in the form prescribed by the department from the owner of the premises for availing supply, who is not the owner of the premises.
** If the owner is not available or if he refuses to give consent letter, the intending consumer shall produce proof of his being in possession which is not illegal of the premises and also execute an indemnity bond in the form prescribed by the department, indemnifying the Government against any loss on account of disputes arising out of effecting service connection to the occupant. (See Appendix-I)
** If supply to any type of service connection in a land owner by a department of the government other than Revenue department is applied for, the intending consumer shall produce a `No objection certificate’ from the Officer who is authorised by that department to issue such certificate. The intending consumer should execute an indemnity bond in the form prescribed by the department. (See Appendix-II)
** If supply to any type of service connection in any other Government land/poramboke is applied for, the intending consumer should produce a `No Objection Certificate’ from an Officer of the Revenue department not below the rank of a tahsildhar and also execute an indemnity bond in the form prescribed by the department (vide Appendix-II).
** Apart from indicating the full name and address of the owner or occupier of the premises for which service connection is sought, the name and address of the the licensed electrical contractor through whom the will be carried out, but it is not necessary that the requisition should be made through a licensed electrical contractor.
** Test report of wiring of the premises for which service connection is sought, dully signed by a licensed electrical contractor.
** An ISI certificate for the elcetrical items used in the premises , obtained from the Electrical contractor
** An Affidavit in an stamped paper valued not less than Rs. 10/-, metioning the full address of the premises for which power supply has been sought with door number/ resurvey number/ plot number /cadastre number, street name , village name along with signature of two witness shall be enclosed.
** Any assistance or information required in filling up the form will be given to the intending consumer at the local O&M office of the department.

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