rmcchennaieatlas.tn.nic.in Tracks of Cyclones & Depressions : Regional Meteorological Centre

Organization : Regional Meteorological Centre
Facility : Tracks of Cyclones and Depressions over North Indian Ocean

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Tracks of Cyclones :

** Cyclone eAtlas – IMD is an electronic atlas on Tracks of Cyclones and Depressions (C and Ds) over the North Indian Ocean during the period from 1891 to the latest year.

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** The Help menu links to the Cyclone eAtlas – IMD: User’s Guide which details the various output products that can be generated using this software.
** Technical Note (Cyclone eAtlas – IMD) gives the technical details of various input parameters and methodologies adopted for computations.
** Broadly, two types of outputs can be generated from this Atlas namely Display of tracks of C&Ds and Statistical information on formation, dissipation, movement, speed, direction of movement, recurvature, coastal crossing and intensification of C and Ds.
** Display of tracks of C&Ds is based on two types of inputs as indicated below:

View by general selection:
The tracks of C&Ds satisfying the following input options given by the user are displayed: Year(s), Month(s), Basin(s) / Area of Formation, Intensity (level), Intensity (Type), Basin(s) / Area of Dissipation, type and belt of coastal crossing.

View by specific selection:
The track of a single CD is displayed based on the identifier selected by the user using the search options on Year, Month, Basin and Intensity.
Statistical information can be generated either in Map form or in Tabular/Graphical form.

Map form statistics
Statistics on Frequency of C and Ds , Frequency of Formation and Dissipation of C and Ds, Percentage frequency of Direction of movement of C and Ds, Mean Direction, Scalar and Vector Speed of movement of C and Ds, Frequency of recurvature of C and Ds, Frequency of coastal crossing of C and Ds between two coastal stations can be generated in Map Form for every 2.5 longitudinal * 2.5 latitudinal grid.

Tabular / Graphical outputs :
Annual monthly / seasonal frequency, Percentage frequency and Probability of intensification can be generated in Table form or as Bar Diagram for various Basins of formation and Intensity options. A Consolidated list of C and Ds can also be generated in a Tabular form.
Altogether Eleven Functionalities or Main Menus are provided to generate the above outputs.

Requisite for eAtlas :
In this note and also in the various menus, tables, maps and charts generated by the eAtlas, the term „Cyclonic disturbance‟ (CD) or some times mere „Disturbance‟ is used to describe either a Depression (D) or Cyclonic Storm (CS) or Severe Cyclonic Storm (SCS) which have been defined in Section 1.

The term „Cyclones and Depressions‟ (C&Ds) is also used frequently. The term ‘Storms and Depressions’ is frequently used in the 1979 & 1996 editions of IMD‟s Storm Track Atlas and occasionally in the current electronic version also. This term has the same meaning as the term C&Ds.

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