FCRA Online Services e-Filing of Application for Seeking Prior Permission : Ministry of Home Affairs

Organization : Ministry of Home Affairs
Facility :e-Filing of Application for Seeking Prior Permission

Home Page :http://fcraonline.nic.in/
Login here :http://fcraonline.nic.in/fc_login.aspx

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Online filing of application for seeking Prior Permission :
Instructions for filing online FC – 4 Form for Application for seeking Prior Permission to accept foreign contribution by an Association having a definite cultural, economic, educational, religious or social programme under sub-section(2) of Section 11 of the FC(R)A Act, 2010.
** For online filing of application form for seeking Prior Permission a user ID is required to be created.
** After successful registration applicant/user can login to the ‘FCRA Online Services’ and select the option for the type of application you wish to fill and click ‘Login’. For online submission of application for seeking Prior Permission (FC-4 Form), select the option ‘FC-4 Prior Permission’.
** After the successful login, FCRA Prior Permission Menu will be displayed.
** The FC-4 form has been divided in four parts to facilitate simple online filing of application for grant of Prior Permission under sub-section (2) of Sec.
** Start with Click at ‘Prior Permission’ of the menu item or ‘Click here to file Prior Permission’. Fill in the requisite details in the Form FC-4. Click ‘Save and Next’ after filling the details, the details will be saved and next part is displayed to fill the details of Executive Committee/Governing Council, etc.
** If you have already filled in the details and application has not been finally submitted the Ministry then click at ‘Click here to complete’ to continue filing the FC-4 online. The menu will also provide the details of the previous applications filed by the association along with their status. This screen also provides the latest status of the FC-4 submission to the Ministry by the association.
** Fill in the details of the members of the Executive Committee/Governing
Council etc. followed by click at button ‘Add ’. The details will be shown in the
lower part of the screen.

Enclose following documents that have been mentioned :
** Processing fee of Rs. 1000/- by demand draft or banker’s cheque(Banker’s cheque is to obtained from the Bank only. Personal cheque or Association’s Cheque is not acceptable) in favour of the “Pay and Accounts Officer, Ministry of Home Affairs” Payable at New
** Copy of Registration Certificate under the relevant statute, Memorandum of Association or Trust deed, as the case may be.
** Commitment letter from the donor(s).
** Project Report along with budget break-up as per Column 12(d).
** If the project report is voluminous (more than 10 pages it should be accompanied by a gist giving the details of the project in short along with budget break-up in 2-3 pages.) project report should essentially state how it would meet the objective.

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