e-Filing of Application for Accepting Foreign Hospitality : FCRA Online Services

Organization : Ministry of Home Affairs
Facility :e-Filing of Application for Accepting Foreign Hospitality

Home Page :http://fcraonline.nic.in/
Apply here :http://fcraonline.nic.in/fc_h_middlenew.aspx

e-Filing of Application for Accepting Foreign Hospitality
** Type the URL fcraonline.nic.in/ in your web browser(Internet explorer recommended). You will get the following screen. Click on the link online filing of Application for Accepting Foreign Hospitality under FCRA
** After Click on Apply Online you have to file your details information.After that click on Save Details and Next .
** After click you will get a temporary file number.Note down this file no for later updation of application.Then click Click Here to Continue.
** In 2nd page you have to file your visiting det ails. Add all the visiting place(s) by c lic k Add Record After that click Save Details and Next.
** If you selected organization or Both Individual and organization in previous Page you have to enter organization office bearers details by selecting organization.
** after that click on Final Submit to Ministry. After click this button you can’t update your application.
** After Final Submit you will get a permanent file no. Note down that file no for print of application

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Instruction for Uploading document :
** Make sure that each document will be in PDF format size below 500 Kb .While scanning document try to scan in text mode/black white mode and low DPI.
** After doing all If any document size exceed 500 kb then compress the document using Any PDF compressor software.

Application/Letter(s)/Upload/View Document :
If Ministry has upload letter(s) after receiving your application, you can view after entering credentials.

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