tntenders.gov.in Bidder Enrollment & Tender Status : Tamil Nadu

Organization : Tenders Tamilnadu
Facility : Bidder Enrollment & Tender Status

Home Page :https://tntenders.gov.in/nicgep/app?page=Home&service=page
Bidder Enrollment here :https://tntenders.gov.in/nicgep/app?page=LoginDetails&service=page
Tender Status :https://tntenders.gov.in/

Bidders Enrollment :
Merits of GePNICSystem :
** Free portal Registration to the Bidders.
** Offers equal opportunity to all to submit their offers.
** Encourages maximum participation, competition and hence better terms.
** Is free from favoritism and eliminates /reduces the scope for Tender Inviting Authorities (TIA) to indulge in unfair practices and also
** Brings in transparency in the whole tendering process of the Government.Merits of GePNICSystem

Pre-Requisites for System using eProcurement sites :
** A computer system with at least 1 GB RAM and Internet Connectivity.
** Internet Explorer 7.0 or Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or above.
** Internet Connectivity with at least 256 Kbps connectivity.
** Java Run Time Engine (JRE -1.6.0) or higher.

Bidders Enrollment :
** Click Online Bidder Enrollment link to perform registration. Click here for enrollment

Related Post

Enroll :
** EnteravalidemailaddressforloginID.TheloginIDcannotbemodifiedonceregistered.
** Provideapasswordwhichmustbeminimum8charactersandmaximum32charactersandmustbeacombinationofalphabetsandnon-alphabeticcharacters.
** Confirmthepasswordbyre-enteringandthenclickNext.

Enter a password :
Retype the passwordClick NextPassword Policy
** Enter the details as per the fields and click Next.

Personal Details :
** Provide the details as per the fields asked.
** The fields marked with red asterisk are mandatory.
** Please read the question given at the bottom of the page once after filling up the details andanswer it.
** Click submit to save the ent
** Enter the company details and contact details.
** Click submit once you have finished entering the details.

Verification and Confirmation :
** ClickSubmitforconfirmation.Click Submit for confirmationVerify the details

Bidder’s Profile :
** After DSC enrollment, the menu for bid submissiongets displayed
** Search Active Tenders-Click here to search thetenders.
** Archived Clarification-Click Archived Clarification to see previous clarification
** My Tenders-To move tenders in which bidderintends to participate.
** My Archive-Liststhe tenders which are moved frommy tenders (after bid submission).
** Bid Opening (Live)-Click Bid Opening (Live) to get the current status of the Bid opening
** Clarification-Enables to seek clarificationrelated to tenders from the tender inviting officials.(Seek Clarification would be available only if it has been configured in the Tender by TIA)
** My Bids-Lists all bids submitted, allowsresubmission and withdrawal.
** Tender Status-Stages in which various tenders which are under processing can be seen.

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