cibrc.nic.in Registration of Insecticides

Organization : Central Insecticides Board & Registration Committee
Facility : Registration of Insecticides

Home Page :http://cibrc.nic.in/reg_procedure.htm
Download Form here :http://cibrc.nic.in/formi.html

Registration of Insecticides :

Any person desiring to import or manufacture any insecticide may apply to the Registration Committee for the registration of such insecticide and there shall be separate application for each such insecticide.

Related : ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity Online Registration : www.statusin.in/26551.html

Provided :
** that any person engaged in the business of import or manufacture of any insecticide immediately before the commencement of this section shall make an application to the Registration Committee within a period of [seventeen months] from the date of such commencement for the registration of any insecticide which he has been mporting or manufacturing before that date :
** Every application under sub-section (1) shall be made in such form and contain such particulars as may be prescribed.
** On receipt of any such application the registration of an insecticide, the Committee may, after such inquiry as it deems fit and after satisfying itself that the insecticide to which the application relates conforms to the claims made by the importer or by the manufacturer, as the case may be, as regards [on such conditions as may be specified by it] and on payment of such fee as may be prescribed, the insecticide, allot a registration number thereto and issue a certificate of registration in token thereof within a period of twelve months from the date of receipt of the application.

Manner of Registration :
** An application for registration of an insecticide under the Act shall be made in Form I and the said Form including the verification portion, shall be signed in case of an individual by the individual himself or a person duly authorised by him ; in case of Hindu
** The Registration Committee may, if necessary, direct inspection of the ‘testing facility’ for establishing the authenticity of the data.
** An application form duly filled together with a bank draft of Rs. One hundred only, drawn in favour of the Accounts Officer, Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage, payable at Faridabad towards registration fee shall be sent to the Secretary, Regiatration Committee, Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage, NH-IV, Faridabad-121001, Haryana. One Self addressed stamped envelope and one stamped envelope must be enclosed along with the application.
** The registration fee payable shall be paid by a demand draft drawn on the State Bank of India, Faridabad, in favour of the Accounts Officer, Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage, Faridabad, Haryana.

Issue of duplicate certificate of registration :
A fee of rupees five only shall be paid for a duplicate copy of the Certificate of Registration if the original is defaced, damaged or lost.

Appeal :
An appeal against any decision of the Registration Committee under section 9 shall be preferred in writing [in Form II-B in duplicater] to the Central Government in the Department of Agriculture.

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Tags: cibrc.nic.in
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