KMY Draw Result Status & Download Offer Letter 2015 : Kailash Manasarovar Yatra

Organization : Kailash Manasarovar Yatra
Facility : Draw Result Status and Download Offer Letter 2015

Home Page :http://kmy.gov.in/kmy/
Draw Result Status :http://kmy.gov.in/kmy/

Draw Result Status :

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** Enter access code as given

Related : Kailash Manasarovar Yatra How to Apply & Make payment : www.statusin.in/26071.html

Kailash Manasarovar Yatra :
Kailash Manasarovar Yatra is known for its religious value, cultural significance, physical beauty and thrilling nature. It is undertaken by hundreds of people every year. Holding significance for the Hindus as the abode of Lord Shiva, it holds religious importance also for the Jains and the Buddhists.

The Yatra is organized by the Ministry of External Affairs every year between June and September. It is open to eligible Indian citizens, holding valid Indian passports, who wish to proceed to Kailash-Manasarovar for religious purposes.

Applications to participate in the Yatra can be filed online only at kmy.gov.in The last date to apply online is 10/04/2015

The Yatra-2015 will be conducted between 08 June and 09 September through two different routes – Lipulekh Pass in Uttarakhand and Nathu La in Sikkim. Yatris need to spend 3-4 days in Delhi for preparations before the Yatra. The Delhi Government provides free meals and accommodation for the stay in Delhi. Yatris are, however, free to make their own arrangements.
Caution : The Yatra involves trekking at high altitudes of up to 19,500 feet, under inhospitable conditions, including extreme cold and rugged terrain, and may prove hazardous for those who are not physically and medically fit.

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The Government of India shall not be responsible in any manner for any loss of life or injury to a Yatri, or any loss or damage to property of a Yatri due to any natural calamity or due to any other reason. Pilgrims undertake the Yatra purely at their own volition, cost, risk and consequences.

The Government shall not have any obligation to bring the mortal remains of any pilgrim across the border for cremation in the Indian side, in case of death on the Chinese side. All Yatris are, therefore, required to sign a Consent Form for cremation of mortal remains on the Chinese side in case of death.

Legal :
Without prejudice to the contents of the KMY websites, all claims, disputes and differences shall be subject to the jurisdiction of court

FAQs :
Is there any subsidy given to Kailash Manasarovar Pilgrims?
No subsidy or financial assistance is provided by Ministry of External Affairs. Some state governments are known to provide varied sums of financial assistance to their residents to cover a part of their Yatra expenses.

If the spouse has also filled the form, will he/she directly be selected if the other member is selected through the computerized draw of lots.
Applications for both persons have to be completed on-line, together; otherwise the incomplete application would be rejected.

If one of the members fails in the medical examination at Gunji, will both be disallowed to go further or the one who fails?
Only the yatri who fails the medical examination will be disallowed to proceed further.

I was Liaison Officer to the Yatra-1999. Can I again become a part of the Yatra as LO or yatri?
No. A person who has gone on the Yatra as Liaison Officer or as Yatri in any year previous year will not be considered for selection as LO.

Categories: National
Tags: kmy.gov.in
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