indiawater.gov.in : Search Habitation Details of Village Online

Organization :National Rural Drinking Water & Sanitation
Facility : Search Habitation/ Village/ Panchayat

Home Page :http://indiawater.gov.in/imisreports/nrdwpmain.aspx
Search here : http://indiawater.gov.in/imisreports/Reports/Profile/rpt_SearchProfile.aspx?Rep=Y

Search Habitation :

Kindly follow the mentioned below to search habitation details of Village
** Select State

Related : Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Register New User Agency : www.statusin.in/26313.html

** Enter the location name (at least first two letters)
** Select Search Type
** Click on “Search” button.

NRWQMSP – Online System :
National Rural Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance Programme (NRWQMSP) is a community based programme launched by Department of Drinking Water Supply, to ensure good quality of public water supply to rural people.

One online monitoring system namely “National Rural Water Quality Monitoring And Surveillance Program Online Progress” is designed and developed to monitor proper implementation and functioning of all the features of the programme at state, district , block and GP levels.

Accessibility :
This software can be accessed by visiting the department home page at Official website. This would take the user to the page. On this page, the user will have to click on the “Click Here” link to log in and use the complete features of the online software.

I. Master :
Under the ‘Master’ menu option, following options are available that are visible only under Admin Login.

** Manage Analysis Category
** Manage Quality Parameter
** Manage Unit Of Measurement
Master entry can be done only by central administrator and is not accessible for states to change the information.

II. Maintenance :
Under ‘Maintenance’ option, following options are available for central administrator under Admin login. Option only 2 & 3 are available for state and district users under state/district login.

1. Page Access Information
2. Login Information
3. Change Password
4. Reset Password

Entry Forms (Water Quality Related Entry) :
There are 4 options in this section –
A. HRD Details : Trainee & Training Information
B. IEC Details
C. FTK Details : Demo Kits
D. FTK Details : Chemical/Bacteriological Kits
E. FTK Testing Details
F. Community Contribution
G. Details of Surveillance Coordinator

Search Here :
About Us :
This site presents data and information on drinking water status in rural habitations of India, covered through the National Rural Drinking Water Programme of the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Government of India. This information is updated by the respective state governments. Efforts have been made to provide as much current information as is possible.

National Rural Drinking Water Programme :
National Rural Drinking Water Programme. This programme was launched in April 2009 by the then Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation presently Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, for assisting states in providing drinking water to the rural population of India. This programme has incorporated paradigmatic changes in its previous version called the Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme, by emphasizing on water supply systems which are planned and managed by the community at the village level, for ensuring sustainable drinking water availability, convenient delivery systems and achieving water security at the household level.

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